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Sophia's POV

Oh why did I do that? That was a stupid question. I know why I did it. It was to get under Ashton's skin, and it worked. But it wasn't as satisfying as I wouldve liked it to be. In a way, I felt...guilty. I felt bad for putting him on the spot in front of his band mates. Ashton was going to have some serious explaining to do. Whenever I saw Ashton had rushed from the room, I rushed from the stage, nearly face planting going down the back set of stairs. The boys had no idea what was going on, which I knew because when I rushed by them after Ashton, Luke grabbed the crook of my elbow.

"Let him cool off. He does this all the time." He calmly says, giving me a sad look. I liked Luke, he was sweet and cute. But in this case he was getting on my nerves thinking he knew everything when he clearly did not. I yanked my arm free, giving him a look.

"You don't know shit. Any of you." I spit a little more harsh than I meant to. Before I started to feel guilty for that as well, I went through the back enterance to hunt down Ash.

But after several minutes, I checked everywhere and couldn't find him. With a defeated sigh, I stamp back to the small dressing room I was temporarily using until the boys went to their families and I went to a hotel. I shut the door with a loud bang, not even taking five steps inside before breaking down. I sat on the dusty couch with a cry of relief, covering my face with my hands. I don't know why I was blaming myself for hurting Ashton, because he deserved it. He deserved every bad goddamned thing that happened to him.

"What are you doing Soph?" I jump at the voice in the room. When I looked up, I saw none other than Ashton Fletcher Irwin leaning against the wall a few feet away from me. He must've been there the whole time. I quickly wiped away the tears he had created, and stood up.

"Crying. What the hell does it look like to you Irwin?" I huff, wiping my eyes once more. He didn't even blink when I said this. His lovely face was completely emotionless as he backs off the wall, and wanders into the light so I could see him better.

"That's not what I meant and you know it. I meant what the hell are you doing Sophia? Is it your goal to make me miserable? What have I done for you to hate me?" He seriously wasn't asking this. I backed away a little bit, keeping my mouth zipped shut. The last thing I wanted was to say something I would regret in the long run.

As soon as Ashton took another step, I whipped around, reaching for the knob of the door. Ashton recognizes my actions ahead of time, grabbing my right wrist tightly in his large hands, and spinning me back around.

"Listen to me!" He booms, and I flinch at how loud his voice actually is. I wrangle my arm free of his death grip, shoving him as far away from me as possible.

"You listen to me Ashton! You aren't going to push me around anymore. You aren't going to fucking suck me into this gigantic problem again! I'm over it, I'm done. I have been for years. So let it go." I was screaming too, but only because he did first. I knew this is exactly what he wanted. This type of reaction, but I can't control myself.

"Its only the first practice of the tour and you're already making my life a living hell!"

"Really?! I'm making your life a living hell?! What have I done?" The fact that Ashton is still as oblivious as he was in highschool is almost laughable. Ashton knew me, he used to atleast. I know he can see right through me at this point, he just wants me to admit it. He wants me to tell him with words. And I was feeding into it.

"Are you really that oblivious? Or are you blind?" I give a bitter laugh. Ashton now was frustratedly ringing his hands through his mop of light brown waves like I caused this whole scene.

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