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Sophia's POV

"Get up." I heard a familiar voice say. What the hell it's two a.m. I had to be at the damned airport in three hours. I groaned, and rolled onto my side. I looked up at the person who awoke me, expecting it to be my mum or Josh. It was Ashton. Great. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. His green orbs practically glowed in the dark as he peered down at me.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I harshly said, whisper-shouting. He's being so weird. First the kiss, then the voicemail, and now showing up in my room at the ass crack of dawn.

"The window." He chuckled softly. I remember whenever we were together, Ashton used to sneak in my window almost every night and leave in the morning.

"It's the middle of the night Ashton." I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. Has he seriously lost his mind? "You can't just crawl through my window like a cat burglar. "

"I have to show you something." Yes because that couldn't have waited until tomorrow. "So I came to get you."

"Ashton I'm not dressed, and I'm surely not jumping out the window to go somewhere with you." I shot him down quickly. I heard him sigh, and I knew he had just ran a hand through his hair.

"Get your arse out of bed. It's worth it. I promise." He whispered. This definitely wasn't a good idea. I was trying to get over Ashton, and he just randomly climbs through my window.

But I didn't listen to my instinct as I rolled out of the bed, nearly tripping and falling as he laughed.

"Shut up would you. Don't push your luck." I warned him. It was so strange to have a somewhat civil conversation with Ashton. I used my phone as a flashlight while I put on a random hoodie from my floor, and shrugged into black skinny jeans. It was dark, so my face could be ugly. I found my black Vans, and put them on too. I was just about to turn my phone screen off whenever I hear Ashton bubble with laughter.


"Is that our band hoodie?" He pointed at the jacket. I bent my head down to look at it, and sure enough it was. It wasn't mine though. I think it was Calum's that he left here by accident. Instead of answering, I just rolled my eyes, and watched him literally jump out my window. I gasped to muffle my scream as I rushed over to it, and peered down. There Ashton stood, grinning manically under the moonlight at me.

"How the hell...." I called down to him.

"Practice." He shrugged. "Now jump." He was out of his mind. But so was I for going with him. Why did I agree to this again?

"What? No fucking way man. That's like twenty feet." I shouted back, shaking my head.

"I'll catch you." He said back.

"You're clumsy as shit!" Ashton groaned, before holding his muscular arms out wide.

"I'll catch you. I promise." I hesitant, but slowly climbed outside the window and onto the edge of my roof. I was scared as fuck. 

"Are you s-"

"Yes. Now jump. Jesus Christ." Ashton laughed, shaking his head. I glared at him, before doing a silent prayer, and jumping. I know I screamed the whole way down. I was expecting to be dead, but I felt two strong arms catch me with ease. I opened my eyes, and Ash had his hands on my hips, as mine were on his chest. He smiled just a bit, before he let go, and I took a step back.

"See? Now was that so bad?" He teased. There was so something wrong with him. He hasn't been this nice to me in such a long time. Then again, I'm being pretty decent too.

"Where is your car?" I asked him as we strolled down the sidewalk.

"We're walking. Sorry Princess." Ashton just smiled with his dimples, and kept walking. I just groaned, and followed him.

We walked for about ten minutes, until we approached a familiar place.

"Your house? You dragged me out of bed at two a.m. before a plane ride to come to your house, Ashton Irwin?" I was totally annoyed. I was tired, and it was a long flight from Sydney to London.

"No you whiny baby. You need to see it from my house." Yeah that totally explained everything. He jingled his keys around in the door jam, before opening it. I followed Ashton inside, and we made our way to his room. So we can't just crawl in his window huh? Then he opened his window, where there was a large flat of roof.

"You're crazy if you think I'm jumping out of another window Irwin." I hissed. He just shook his head, and stepped out. I stepped out behind him, only for him to sit down.

"Sit." Ashton gestured for me to sit next to him. I warily glanced at him unsure of how long this nice Ashton would last, but I planted myself next to him.

"Now look up." I looked. Wow. Millions of shiny stars were accompanied by a beautiful waxing crescent moon. It was absolutely beautiful. Things like this reminded me that I was real. Life wasn't always traveling and rushing around. Sometimes you have to slow down, and enjoy the view.

A/N: So fuck the whole regular updates. I went fanfic wild today. If you don't like it I dont care.

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Aria's out

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