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Sophia's POV

"So how was the family reunion?" Luke asks me as I slide into the passenger seat of his quite lovely mercedes. I didn't even have my license. I'm guessing the other boys were catching their own rides to the beach, because they werent crammed into the backseat like usual.

"Better than I expected." I admit, as he pulls out onto the highway just a short distance from my mothers' house. Sydney always smelled of the beach, a thing I have missed. American didn't have the certain charm that Australia did. I truly did love Los Angeles, and all of the states really, but Sydney just felt like home.

We were only a few blocks from the beach now according to the signs, but a realitively old brick building caught my eye. "Sydney Prepatory Academy". Also known as mine and Ashton's high school. Images of a small brunette with bright blue eyes and a band T-shirt flash through my mind, as she argued with an older guy with fluffy hair and the most adorable dimples right there on those marble stairs.


"Sophia! Sophia wait!" I rushed down the halls of the Academy, my dirty blonde locks whipping around as I approached the big wooden doors at the front of the building. I didn't want to hear him, or see his face. I took one step outside the door, only for Ash to grab my by the crook of my elbow, and turn me around on the first marble stair.

"Touch me again and I will slap you!" I yelled, a lot louder than I meant to. I try to turn and leave again, only resulting in Ashton grabbing me again. I whip back around, but not following through on my previous threat. His sparkling green eyes were begging for mercy, his fluffy hair flying everywhere from the harsh wind. I had no coat, and neither did he. But my anger was enough to heat me up.

"What do you want from me Ash?!" I always called him Ash. Even when we were in a full blown screaming match. I'm surprised that the whole town couldn't hear us.

"Please, this is such a big deal for me. This is my dream Soph." Ash calmly responds, moving his hair out of his eyes. He had dropped a bomb that him, and the other members of his band, 5 Seconds Of Summer, we're going away. For seven months. Seven fucking months to go on tour with world famous boy band One Direction. I was happy that they got this opportunity, but seven months? Seven months without the only thing keeping me alive and well? I couldn't last seven months without Ashton.

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