Twenty One

17 1 0

Sophia's POV

"Oh cheers Calum!" I groaned, the Australian in me slipping out whenever I saw Luke, sitting in the passenger seat. His blonde hair was touseld like he had been running his fingers though it, and his blue eyes scanned every inch of my soul. Great, he was pissed.

"He wouldn't give me my keys until I let him go. Sorry Soph." Cal gave me a sorry smile, that I sarcastically returned. I ran around the side of the car, feeling Luke's piercing blue eyes on me. I took a deep breath, and open the door, and slid in the backseat next to Ash, who looked just as pleased as I did.

"Can one of you please explain something to me?" Luke broke the tension in the compacted space of the car.

And so it begins.

Ashton narrowed his eyes with a scoff, before exchanging a glance with me. I saw Calum's soft brown eyes sneaking worried glances at us in the rear view mirror.

"Why in bloody hell would you think it's a bright idea to-I don't know-jump out of the car, not to mention in the middle of traffic, in London fucking England!" I flinched at the harsh tone of his voice. The words echoed in the small space, making the boom of Luke's normally soft voice even worse. His arms were frantically gesturing as he spoke, so he looked like a complete lunatic. And he was pissed. So pissed. I'm sure this isn't the angriest he's ever been, but it's the angriest I've ever seen him.

Ashton kept his mouth zipped shut. Luke turned around in his seat to look at me, raising his eyebrows.

I wanted to disappear, and shrink into oblivion right this second. I hated confrontation-funny considering I happen to cause it often-but I particularly didn't like arguing with Luke. He had raised his voice at me only once, and it nearly brought me to tears. Now he had his face scrunched up in anger, practically seething at me.

"I-I had to talk to Ashton, Luke. Please, just don't be mad." I whined, closing my eyes to dam back tears.

"I'm not mad." He replied breathily, ruffling up his hair. "Sad, hurt, and disappointed? Yes." My heart dropped to my stomach, when I saw his angry expression faded into one that looked completely emotionless. A blank look.

"Luke please. I'm trying to get my head screwed on here. This is effecting me just as much as it is you. I'm hurting too."

"Well aren't you just a regular damsel in distress?" His face was contorted with biterness, his kind and soft personality completely disappearing.

"Actually no, you aren't a damsel. But you're sure as hell in distress."

"Don't Luke." Calum spoke up, giving him the same look Ashton had this whole time. I wondered why Ash hadn't said anything. If anything, he looked perfectly calm.

"Seriously? Luke get it through your head. I'm trying. I'm confused, and scared, and sad. I don't know how to handle all of this. I'm feeling like than less nothing. Don't be selfish." I bit back, and watched Calum's eyes slightly widen, and he stole a concerned glance at Luke, who was now fuming. His cheeks were flushed pink with anger, and his eyes were narrowed at me.

"I'm being selfish!" His voice rose about eight octives, and I jumped at the volume of his voice.

"You are driving me crazy Sophia! You lead me on, you act all sweet and innocent! And stupid me, I actually fell for it! Everything the media ever said-about you being a diva, and melodramatic, and a bitch-is fucking true! You are one of my best friends, and I actually happen to like you quite a lot! I'm trying to help you!" He was frustrated. But the explosion made my heart ache. I never knew Luke liked me, nor thought of me romantically at all. I hadn't meant to lead him on, it just happened. But I didn't deny a word he said, because every word, every syllable, and every letter was completely true. Tears were quietly pouring down my face, as I casted my eyes away from Luke, my heart taking it's time throbbing and aching from where he wedged a knife into it.

"Luke." I blubbered. I didn't know how to respond. He turned back around, tears pooled in his eyes, and covered his face with his hands.

"Hey it's okay." Ashton murmured through the silence, trying to put his arm around me. I swiftly shook it off, not wanting anyone's affection. He looked slightly hurt by my rejection, but didn't attempt again.

"You get, we're worried about you Soph." Calum spoke up, his gaze shifting from the rear view mirror and back to the road.

"We love you, and we're your friends." My little heart nearly melted. He sounded so sincere, my heart warmed immediately.

"I know." I sighed, and looked to Luke, who avoided my eyes by looking out of the window. I could see Ashton's sight trained sharply on Luke as well.

"I love you guys too."

"You're ruining me, you know." Luke grumbled under his breath, stilling watching the outside world whiz by. Then I saw him get this dorky little grin on his face, signally he hadn't meant it as an insult.

"I know." I said back, smiling weakly as I looked at Ash, who looked very uncomfortable, annoyed, and hurt all at once. I didn't know who to comfort. Ashton or Luke? I hated choosing. I especially hating choosing between the two things the meant the most to me in the universe.

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