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"For the land, of the free, and the home of the, Brave." I totally just rocked that. Well, at least my mind seemed to think so. If you looked really closely you could see the lyrics to The Star Spangled Banner etched into my forehead. I was preparing to sing at the opening day in Setptember actually. I was supposed to sing the National Anthem, something I've always wanted to do. Now I was doing it on national television, at opening day in Pittsburgh. I hoped my family was proud of me, because if they weren't then why the hell am I dong this?

"OHMIGOD ITS SOPHIA NOELLE!" A really shrieky voice says. I plaster a smile on my face, looking down at the thirteen year old girl. Ah, fangirls. It was always the same everyday. I'd be about my daily business, and a few fans would recognize me. Sometimes I get mobbed. Which I do not like.

"Can I have a picture?"

"Of course love." I give her a warm smile, trying to ease her total spasm. The girl is grinning so hard, deep dimples carving into her cheeks. She was very cute, there was no doubt. Wispy blondish/brown hair, and bright green eyes. It warms my heart to see that even in England the fan base is huge. I don't even remember why I'm here to begin with honestly. They said that I had to come to company headquarters in freaking London just so I can go to the AMA's. Which are in two days and counting. I'm supposed to be at a meeting in twenty minutes, so I'm praying this girl doesn't keep me long.

I guess she wanted a selfie, because she stretches her arm out as far as she can, and snaps a cute picture of both of us.

"I hate to be bitch, but I have to get going." The fangirl nods in understanding, before I start to walk towards the company building. I could see it just a few blocks down, so I might actually be on time for once.

Ashton's POV

"Is there any particular artists you think are any threat to you boys?" We all exchanged glances. Well except me of course. I knew who the threat was. And that treat could end my career with a snap of her fingers. She really got under my skin. Not because I hated her, but I hated what she could do to me, and to my band.

But her blackmail alone wouldn't end us even if she tried. It was the fact that every single she released topped the charts in 145 countries. She was always number one, and that scared us. We didn't want to fade out, and she wasn't helping. I didn't know her the way the world knew her. God know I never thought she would be famous. Out of the new artists, she was the only one who could give us a run for our money.

"Any thoughts?"

"Definitely Ariana Grande. She's hot." Michael causes a laugh to go around the audience. By the look on the interviewer's face, that's not the answer they were looking for.

"Maybe that band. What's their name? Fifth Harmony or something?" Luke speaks up as well, his cheeks swirling a shade of bright pink.

"Definitely not." I hear Michael mumble under his breath. Yeah, we kinda hate Fifth Harmony. The feeling is mutual.

I stayed quiet, seeing as the intense stare of this crazy ass interviewer was making me severely uncomfortable.

"I personally think we kick ass, and that we are going to crush at the AMA's." Luke inserts his fifth sense in. I'm glad he's trying to change the subject, because I don't wanna talk about that. The audience filled with fans cheer, and Luke waves at them, smiling.

"What about the solo artist Sophia Noelle? I heard she's working with Ed Sheeran. A deadly combination maybe?" My heart skips a beat at the annoying lady's words. That's what she goes by now? Sophia Noelle?

"Oh yeah. I heard she is smashing it right now." Calum actually speaks. He hardly ever does because he's super shy. But of course its to say something about someone I do not want to talk about.

"Plus she's hot as f-" I cover Michael's mouth with my hand to stop his words. I definitely didn't want to hear that either.

"Don't you dare." I crazily laugh, trying to play it off for the crowd. And since my laugh is contagious, they all start laughing as well.

"Let's bring up a picture of Sophia." The lady gestures to the big screen wall behind us. I gulp down the bile fighting to rise in my throat, begrudgingly looking at the screen. In warp speed, a picture of her pops on the screen.

She looked..different somehow. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but she clearly wasn't the same Sophia she was before fame. Well fucking clearly because because her name definitely wasn't Sophia Noelle. Like seriously? Who would even believe that was her real name?

She had the same dirty blonde waves, and perfect body. Her amazing style had only increased over time. I had to admit, Sophia looked fantastic.

"Mr. Irwin, you seem pretty mesmerized over there. Care to share?" I stared straight past the interviewer, not even bothering to take my eyes off the picture of Sophia.

"She just...looks familiar s'all." I coolly state, leaning back against the plush leather couch. My mind was racing, but I couldn't pick out just a single thought. I hear Calum cough a bit because he knew. He knew about Sophia. The others didn't, but he knew I was just trying to remain composed.

"Well she should. You and Miss Noelle attended the sane highschool." The interviewer's face twitches, like she sees right through me. "Only a year under you. Were you acquainted?" I squirm in my seat, not wanting to lie, but not wanting to tell the truth either. My eyes graze over Sophia's picture one last time before I look the super nosy interviewer right in the eyes.


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