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Ashton's POV

Pain. Lots of pain. My head felt like it could explode any second. I never am drinking again. My heart sank whenever I see the picture of Sophia and myself wasn't next to me on the nightstand like it always had been. I felt terrible for breaking it. I had no idea what had came over me. I was just so angry from what she said to Calum. I wasn't angry. I was truly fucking crushed. She had tore every little shred of hope I had, and left it on the floor for me to pick back up. She claims that's what I did to her. I sat up off the bed, rubbing my eyes as I went to open the curtains. When I drug them open, my eyes caught a tiny figure standing at the end of my sidewalk with dirty blonde hair and skinny jeans. I quickly turned around on my heel, running down the stairs to stop her from leaving. My mum must've let her stay last night. Surely it wasn't her mum coming to get her, she worked night shift and probably just went to sleep. A certain part of me prayed that Luke wasn't coming to get her. As I ran out into the warm Sydney morning, Sophia turned around to look at me. Her eyes were drained of color and she had a blank look on her face. Sophia was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, and her hair was messy like she just woke up.

"What are you doing, Ashton?" She sighed, sounding exhausted. She sounded so done with everything.

"Where are you going?" I ignored her question, causing her to just roll her blue eyes. Wait blue? Her color contacts were missing, giving me a full view of her bright blue.irises.

"Luke is picking me up and he and I are going to my house so I can change and go shopping for the interview tomorrow with you guys before rehearsal with Mina." Sophia says in all one breath.

"There. Goodbye." She bitterly snapped as Luke's nice Mercedes came to a hault infront of us. He rolled down his window so he could see us, wearing his favorite maroon beanie and Cobain shirt.

"I don't have all day there Miss America." He laughed teasingly at Sophia who grumbled a she got into his car.

"Nice to see you love." Luke kissed her cheek, causing me to cringe. I turned around and stalked up the stairs to my front door, not wanting to see more. And I was pissed.

Sophia's POV

"This one?" I held up a sky blue dress with a big slit up the leg. Luke's face twists in disgust, shaking his head. I only had two dresses picked out, and Luke had found both. One was sapphire, with a silver belt. The other was my favorite. It was black, with no straps an it was made of silk.

"Let the master work." Luke weirdly says, snatching an ugly red dress from me and hanging it back up. I laughed at him as he went rifling through the racks, in search of a third dress.

I was pretty exhausted, so I was totally not up for dress shopping. I was off my game.

"This." He breathed out, holding a white lace dress out to me. It was high low, with a sheer skirt in the back. It was beautiful.

"This is perfect for you."

"Smooth as fuck, you are Hemmings ." I laughed as he playfully glared at me. I must admit, I was enjoying flirting with Luke these last few days. He was sweet and kind, and a lot of fun. He was also very attractive.

I took them into the dressing room and he sat patiently on the bench outside.

I instantly took off the sapphire one because it was too itchy, and the black one looked too much like my AMA dress. Then I put on the lace one. Its beautiful. It fit me perfectly, and wasnt too conservative or too revealing. The sweetheart neckline exposed the perfect amount. I was completely in love with it, but I wanted another opinion. I step out from the stall, and I swear Luke's eye's were eight times their original size. I blushed at his reaction.

"You look beautiful. " He gaped, his blue eyes grazing my body. I gave a bark of laughter, ruffling his blonde hair with my hand.

"Definetly that one."

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