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Sophia's POV

I moped outside of Ashton's bedroom, softly shutting the door behind me. I didn't know how long I had sat in there on that floor and cried, but it must've been ten or fifteen minutes. I was so fucking exhausted with this back and forth with Ashton. We both needed to survive these next two months, and him acting a fool wasn't helping. I'm just thankful he didn't do this in a public place or else the press would go insane over it.

"Sophia?" A small voice said from behind me. I spun around, and saw Harry, Ashton's younger brother peering up at me. He had green eyes and brown hair just like Ash.

"Why were you crying?" For a ten year old, he sounded almost adult like with that deep and raspy voice. I crouched down to be eye level with him, ruffling his shaggy hair.

"Ashton did some bad things to me Harry. But everything is going to be okay." I quietly spoke, seeing now that his bottom lip was trembling.

"Is Ash hurting you like my dad did to my mum?" I nearly choked on my own breath. Ashton had told me stories of how abusive his father was to his mother, and I had no idea Harry even remembered that. I'm surprised he remembered me honestly.

"No. What your dad did to your mum, was...different than this. Ashton is a great brother, and a very sweet person. He wouldn't hurt me, you, or Lauren. He's just...hurting my heart." I didn't know why I was explaining this to a ten year old, but it just kind of fell out. I didn't want Harry to be afraid of Ashton, because he would protect that boy with his life.

"You love him don't you?" Harry presses me for answers. "Because Lauren said you didn't anymore. Do you still love my brother?" My heart broke at his words. I didn't know Lauren knew about me and Ashton basically hating each other for the past few days. I didn't want to lie to him, but honestly I didn't know if I still did love Ashton.

"Some people fall in love at the wrong time. Then, sometimes they stay together, or they go separate ways. People just need time away to find out if they truly love each other." He didn't seem to quite understand what I was saying, so I simplified it.

"I don't know if I still love Ashton or not."

"You do. I know you do." He retorts, crossing his arms over his tiny chest. I don't remember this kid being so damn persistent.

"How so?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"You wouldn't have came to help us if you didn't still love him a little bit. You look at him just the way he looks at you." I thought about what the kid was saying. Why did I come? It wouldn't have been my fault if I told Ashley that she could handle it herself. I didn't know what I felt.

"You're a pretty smart kid." I smiled weakly at him, pushing his little shoulder. He gave me a grin, that included dimples.

"I don't have to be smart to see the obvious." Harry says. This kid was definitely outsmarting me.

"Harry, leave her alone." Ashley came up to us, slowly dragging Harry back. It looked like she had been crying, and I know I looked the same.

"He's okay." I smiled at the little Ashton look-a-like, as he scampered down the hallway, and into his room.

"Its okay now. He's asleep."

"Heavens I'm so sorry Sophia. I was just afraid for the kids. I know Ashton isn't the same as James..they were just scared." James must've been Ashton's father I assume. I have a very significant anger towards the man who set his hands on sweet Ashley, and the boy I had once been madly in love with.

"I know how hard it must've been for you to help me." I looked up at her, my eyes covered in depressing tears.

"I would do anything for Ash. Even though I shouldn't." I mumbled as she hugged me. I remember whenever Ash and I were together Ashley was so nice to me. I could talk to her about anything.

"Ashton loves you. He just needs to realize it again." I heard her whisper as she pulled away, holding me lightly by the shoulders.

"You can stay." I realized now that it was pouring rain outside, and I would be walking if I didn't stay. I shot my mother a text telling her I was staying with Luke so she didn't get all suspicious about me staying at Ashton's. What my mother doesn't know won't kill her.

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