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A/N: So I'm going to be doing regular updates with my co-owners, and we've decided there will be one update per week. Every Friday starting now. So I created a hashtag so y'all motherfuckers can remember it.
Good eh? Okay okay. Let's get on with this shit then.


Sophia's POV

"What do you mean this is my last day?!" I shrieked after hearing Mina tell me that I had to leave tomorrow fucking morning. We have that stupid interview in twenty fucking minutes and was getting dressed whenever she approached me backstage. That meant this was my last night with family, and my last night in Australia until we had to leave. The boys were whisked away into a dressing room across from mine, and apparently they already knew. I was supposed to have two more days.

"Remain calm Miss Noelle. You just needed to move your tour dates around to accompany the boys' schedule. You'll be in England by tomorrow evening. No exceptions." Mina was not going to budge on this. I was totally pissed. I had just gotten my family back, and now I had to disappoint them once again by leaving so soon. My stylists was fixing the back of my dress to make it just a little tighter on top by pinning it. She had given me strapped creme heels to match, and let my hair lay a mix of wavy and curly down my shoulders.

"Isn't there something you can do? Are the boys even okay with this?" I pressured her into answering. She looked super annoyed with me already, so I was totally pushing my luck.

"Oh dear. Ashton was the one who suggested it. Calum too."

"WHAT!" I screamed, my vision turning almost black. Ashton did this on fucking purpose. And his little minion Calum went along with it. To think I was nice to him.

"That little cunt monkey!" That's probably the worst thing I've ever said. But I was too belligerent to think of anything else. Mina looked mortified by my words as I swatted the stylists hands away, and darted for the door.

"Sophia! Where do you think you're going?" Mina shouted after me as I flung the door open, just in time to see Mikey's red hair disappearing into a room adjacent of this one.

I ignored her question, bolting over to that door as fast as these heels would allow me, and banged on the door so loud I thought it would come off the hinges.

I impatiently tapped my foot until the door opened, and Luke was there looking at me.

"Hey love what-"

"YOU!" I screamed shoving Luke aside as I barge into the room. Ashton was standing by the fridge, a water bottle in his hand. His green eyes widened at the volume of my voice. The walls basically shook.

" stupid fucking prick!" He stepped backwards, only making me step forward, and slap him right across the face. No like, I slapped him. Hard. My hand stung from the harsh impact, the sound of skin on skin echoing through the room. Then everyone else was dead silent. My right hand was burning and it shook from where I hit him with it. Ashton's right cheek was bright red as he caressed it, staring at me with his jaw dropped. I had never slapped anyone before. Nobody. But it felt almost..relieving. It felt like I was doing a good deed.

"WHAT THE HELL SOPHIA?!" It was Ashton's turn to scream now. And he was angry. The angriest I've ever seen him. His face was scrunched up in pure anger. And he did something I never thought he would do. He clenched his hands together, and raised one clenched fist at me. He had it drawn back, ready to hit me. Ashton was going to hit me.

"Do it! Hit me Ashton." I spat, glaring at him with tear filled eyes.

"You're so big and tough, and you hate me so much. Hit me Ash!" He looked at me with tears in his own eyes as he sighed, and dropped the fist back down to his side. And I crumbled. Right then, and right there. I sank to my knees, both of my hands covering my entire face as I cried. Out of the crevices of my hand I could see Ashton just looking down at me, while he cried as well. Calum went to comfort him, but Ash shrugged him away.

Then, Ashton crouched right next to me, both of his hands being used to tug mine away from my face. I didn't look at him until he lifted my chin with his fingertips, and forced me to look him in the eyes. Ashton's green eyes were red and teary just like my own, and a deep frown was set on his fce as he looked at the mess I called me.

"What am I going to do with you?" He nearly whispered as his lips touched mine. And he kissed me. It felt like every good memory of my teen years came flooding back. And Ashton was in every single on of them.

Happy #EverAfterFriday

Remember Sunshines,
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but haters make you famoux

Aria's out

Instagram: @lukeysflowercrowns
ooVoo: @lukeysflowercrowns
Twitter: @JacyndaPatton (other co-owners personal)
Pinterest: @lukeysflowercrowns

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