Twenty Five

23 1 0

Sophia's POV

"Soph! Sophia wait!" Louis chased after me as I trucked down the hallway, disgustingly wiping my tears from my face, as I cried like a baby. I had been crying too much lately. But I basically sobbed, gasped, and bawled. My fist was about to bash onto the 5SOS boy's dressing room door, when Louis sprang between me and the door.

"Move." I growled, fisted crumpling at my sides. He shook his head. "Fucking move right now. I need to give that little bitch a piece of my mind."

"Soph." Louis hands were on my shoulders. "You need to calm down. You can't go in there and let him see you all tore up. Just simmer." He crashed me into his chest, and buried my face in his bony shoulder, trying not to cry into his shirt. He quickly pulled away, and I took this opportunity to dart right around him, and crash through the dressing room door. Luke darted up in an instant, a somber look etched in his face the moment he was by my side. Michael and Calum were watching from the couch, wide eyed. Michael liked to stay out of the trouble, and Calum was usually neutral in these situations. But by the way he was angrily glaring at Ashton, I could tell he wasn't thrilled.

"Get the fuck up, Irwin." I snarled, casting over Ashton who was sitting in the makeup chair. He looked exhausted, with his hair a tangled mess, and prominent circles around his eyes. Louis was right behind, endlessly rambling about how I need to chill.

"Sophia." Ashton's voice came out as a sigh as he staggered up, rubbin his hands over his face. His face was void of any emotion, and that kind of pissed me off. "I can't do this with you right now, okay?"

"Not fucking okay. You can't just pull shit like that and think its okay!" I yelled, pointing my finger directly in his face, he just stepped back, shaking his hair so it fell into his eyes.

"Sophia." Luke was behind me, with one hand on my shoulder. I glared at him to shut him up.

"Sophia, not now." Ashton snapped narrowing his eyes at me. "I can't fight with you right now. I am mentally incapable of it. So if you're fucking done throwing a fit over a god damned song, I'll be on my way." He stepped around me, and stormed towards the door.

"Don't you fucking walk away from me!" He whipped around suddenly, his eyes wild and fists clenched. His jaw was tight, and I wasn't sure if he was breathing.

"COULD YOU SERIOUSLY JUST FUCK OFF FOR FIVE MINUTES!" He boomed, grabbing onto my shoulders, and roughly shaking me. I yanked my self away, accidentally crashing onto Luke's chest, who was now protectively in front of me, along with Louis who was by my side. Calum and Michael were huddled with Louis.

"What is your fucking problem?" I screamed.

"My dad is back! Okay?! There you got what you fucking wanted. That's my fucking problem. My dad is back." His voice dramatically lowered, to nothing more than a small whisper. "My dad is back." I stood in front of him, stunned. I knew the stories about his abusive father, and how he left when Ashton was fourteen. It was hard on him, Lauren and Harry. Ashton was left to do everything for the family that the man of the house had to do. Work, pay bills, be a father figure to his siblings.

"Ash." I croaked, walking closer towards him. His eyes were unbelievably filled will tears threatening to spill over at any moment. He flinched a little bit, sinking down to sit on the ground to sit on the floor. "Ashton I.."

"Hey mate, its okay." Michael nodded, patting him on the shoulder. I looked at Luke, who was looking at me, and then at Ashton, who had his head in his hands. After almost a minute of trivial debate, I launched towards Ashton, throwing myself down next to him, and wrapping my arms around him. That seemed like a trigger for him and he started bawling. I held his head to my chest, and buried my face into his hair.

"I-I can't b-believe it.." He wheezed, crying a bit harder. It broke my heart when Ashton cried, especially because it took a lot to make him cry.

"Ashton." I muttered, cradling him closer. His cries were mostly silent, and the only sound in tthe room were his occasional sniffles. Calum was squatted down in front of us, quietly patting his best friend's back while Luke and Michael stood over us, Michael looking worried and Luke looking sad and slight pouty. Louis was sitting in the make up chair now, one hand on his forehead. "When did you find out?" I ran my fingers through his hair, and sighed.

"Literally a few seconds b-before you came i-in." He sniffles, wrapping one long arm around my waist. He was hurting so badly that he was coming to me for comfort. Even when Ash and I were together he hardly ever cried in front of me.

"Hey mate, we're here for you." Cal encouraged, while being briefly back up by the other boys.

"Sophia Noelle I'm telling you, you have to quit disappearing after every sh- Oh god." Mina appeared in the doorway, her Bluetooth attached to one ear, and an annoyed expression on her face. "What in world is happening in here?"

"Just leave it alone Mina." Louis snapped. He hated her almost as much as I did. She was the One Direction publicist as well.

"I will not leave it alone Mr. Tomlinson." She huffed, flipping her blonde hair away. "Alright then, the two of you get up and Sophia, go back to your own dressing room. Can't have people think in you're in here."

"I'm not going anywhere." I bit back, hugging Ashton tighter. "He needs me right now."

"Sorry sweetheart, that's not apart of the arrangement. Now out. You'll have a meeting with Niall tomorrow by the way to cover up all of your little stunts with Mr. Irwin here." My whole body went rigid, and Louis was wide eyed.

"Hell fucking no." I growled, pushing Ashton off of me to stand. "I'm not going down that street again. I'm not fake dating someone. Not again. Its not fair to me, and its definitely not fair to Niall. You're using how he feels about me against him."

"I honestly could not care less Miss Noelle. You are in no way, shape, or form going to have any public contact with Mr. Irwin starting this instant. Don't make me say it again." My jaw was locked, as I was obviously pissed beyond words. I don't know what came over me, but I took a step closer to Mina, so I was directly in her face.

"You," I pointed my finger in her face. "Can't tell me what to do."

"I can have you off of this label in five seconds. Don't test me." Mina snapped back.

"Oh really?" I laughed. "You're a god damned publicist. Who are you kidding? Dear, Simon Cowell invites me to his Christmas party every year, and I'm already signed on for Ariana Grande's next album. I've got more power in my middle finger than you do in this entire company." I don't think I've ever felt better about myself in my life. Everyone had their jaws dropped, and I saw a smug little grin tugging at Louis' lips.

"That's it. You're cut off. I'm calling Simon." Mina flatly stated.

"Actually Ms. Blankenship, I already called Simon. About an hour before the show started actually. He said all I have to do is say the words, and I can have a new publicist. You wanna keep your job? I suggested you play by my fucking rules. Now get out of my face." Mina took a step back, shock and anger bubbling into her features. Calum was going to explode with laughter at any second.

"Just..." Mina sighed. "Just please for gods sakes don't kiss on video again." Then she turned around on her heel, and stomped out.

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