Twenty Six

22 1 0

Sophia's POV

We got back to the hotel later that night, around one in the morning. The boys and myself were completely exhausted. Being a performer is hard work. Ashton, I was concerned had lost his voice. He said not a single word the entire way to the hotel. He just huddled himself up in the car next to the window, and when were in the elevator, Louis worked up the nerve to ask him if he was sojay, and the look he gave was murderous. So then we all went our separate ways, Louis got his own room, I got my own, Luke and Mikey shared, and Ash shared with Cal. I had a feeling Calum would be sleeping with Louis tonight though, because he went into Louis' room looking sleepy in his pajamas while I was raiding the vending machine. I really didn't like the thought of Ashton being alone all night, and after ten minutes of nervous debate, I stood up from my bed and lightly padded down the hallway to the suite on the left. I knocked lightly on the door, nervously waiting for someone to open it.

"Its open." A hoarse voice slightly mumbled. I frowned twisting the knob, and walking into the dark room. The only source of light was from the bathroom, but I wasn't enough for me to see well. Just basically the outline of two beds, and a person curled up on one of them. I took my phone out of my hoodie and turned on the screen for light. Ashton was curled up in the fetal position on the right bed, his brown locks a tangled mess and tears quietly falling from his eyes. He was wearing nothing but basketball shorts and no shirt.

"Ash." I sighed sadly, turning my phone back off. I couldn't bare to see it any longer. "Ashton, please talk to me." I stumbled over his suitcase and sat in the empty space on the bed.

"No." He whimpered, sniffling. "You just want to yell at me, and I'm not in the mood Sophia Grace." My heart melted whenever he called me that. I haven't heard that in so long.

"Tell me what you want me to do." I whispered. "What can I do to help you right now? Forget everything that I've said and what you pulled on stage tonight." I think he cringed. "Just let me help in some way." I heard him breath out, and saw his eyes flicker.

"Lay with me." He whimpered, scooting his trembling body closer.


"Please." He begged. "Please I just don't want to be alone. Not tonight." I hesitated, but then I could make out the pained expression on his face. Squinted, crying eyes, gasping for breath, and shaking with sobs. And I gave in. I sighed, and gently laid beside Ashton, putting only a couple if inches between us.

"I've missed you." He sniffles, closing his arms around my waist, and pull in my closer. My heart rate sped up as I sat my head on his chest.

"Its going to be okay, Ashton." I whispered, nuzzling my face closer.
"I love you." He whispered back, his nose buried into my hair. My heart dropped to my stomach. "Do you love me?" I looked up at him, and all I could see were his big hazellic eyes.

"Its complicated."

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