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Sophia's POV

"Seriously, its so fucking early." I whine to Luke, hiding my face in his shoulder to shield myself from the daylight as we got off the plane. I feel his chest vibrate as he laughs at me.

"Will there be paparazzi?" Calum tiredly asks Ashton, who looks beyond pissed at this point. Michael lazily shrugs his shoulders, hugging his stuffed Lion who's name he said was Daniel. I was wondering what Ashton's problem was, but then I remembered that I didn't care. His crying was waking me up. That's the only reason I said anything. He was worried about seeing people who adored him. Lauren and Harry absolutely idolized their brother Ashton. Where as my mother and brother couldn't care less. I've been in Sydney multiple times since I went into showbiz, but I never visited. I knew they didn't approve. I probably won't even visit them this time either. I know all of these boys will be dying to see their families, so I'll probably just stay in a hotel.

For some reason, the airport in Sydney let the paparazzi in, along with some fans. There were probably around ten to twenty fans, and thirty paps. Some of them were wearing 5SOS t-shirts, and others were wearing my T-shirt. I quickly detached myself from Luke, shielding my eyes as I walk past the line of cameras, trying to get to the fans.

"Why are you even on tour with them?" I look down at a girl around eighteen, with freakishly large blue eyes, and blonde hair. She was sporting black skinny jeans, and a 5SOS hoodie. I had no clue what her problem was, but she didn't look happy.

"Stay away from Luke. He's too good for talentless skanks like you." It felt like she was crushing me under her small foot. Though she was smaller and younger than I, and I was used to this, somehow I really took her words to heart. My eyes filled with tears as the girl barged into the mass of girls surrounding the boys. I had been told so many different things, but somehow it felt..different. I genuinely was offended. My eyes sweeped across my group of fans who were anxiously waiting for their turn, and then over the boys who were laughing and smiling. Then my eyes went to the girl, who Ashton seemed to like. He was grinning beautifully at her, and she was totally showing as much flirtatiousness as she could. That took the cake. I swiftly grabbed my luggage from the floor, and rush right past my fans, mumbling out "I'm sorry guys." between sobs. They all seemed to understand, with empathy crossing their smiles. I nearly sprinted away, with a voice calling after me.

"Sophia!" I didn't know who it was, but I didn't care. I knew the paparazzi were going to plaster my little scene on every gossip site and magazine, but I didnt care. I had to get out of there. I push the heavy glass door open where Mina had a driver ready. She wasnt supposed to arrive until tomorrow, but I'm sure the driver will be better company than snobby sluts that insult me. I throw myself in the very middle seat, anxiously wanting to just drive away without them.

I had my arms hugged around myself as I hugged my knees to my chest. My eyes endlessly teared up, feeling less confident and happy than ever before. I wanted to be anywhere but here. Sydney reminded me of everything I wanted to forget. My mum and brother, my excuse of a father, school, and most importantly Ashton. This place reminded me of everything Ashton said, and did. It reminded me of the way his green eyes always sparkled whenever we started going on about Nirvana, Greenday, and All Time Low. It reminded me of his damned dimples that made him even more charming than he already had been. It also reminded me that Ashton Fletcher Irwin had ruined me. He had ruined me, and I couldnt forgive him.

Around five or so minutes pass, until a wind rushes through the car from the doors opening. Luke slid in on my left, and Calum on my right. They both looked at me sympathetically, like I was some injured puppy. Even Ashton gave me a sad look. But all I could picture was the way he was eyeing that girl. That was the way he looked at me once.

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