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Ashton's POV

"Now look up." I told her. Her chin tilted up slightly, as her mouth formed a tiny 'o' shape. It was so beautiful. These were things that neither Sophia or I ever have time to see. When you're in the music business, you barely have time to sleep. With all the tours, and meeting, and rehersals, and recording sessions, there just isn't any time to enjoy life.

I wasn't looking at the view though, I was looking at Sophia. She was so undeniably beautiful. I was totally infatuated with this girl. I wanted her forgiveness. I wanted her to tell me that she misses me, and that she was nothing without me. I wanted her to say that Luke wasn't more than a friend, and that she had never stopped loving me. I had little hope of any of this happening, but a small foolish part of me begged for her to let me back in.

"This is beautiful." She broke into my thoughts. I hadn't realized, but she was now leaning her head on my shoulder as she looked at the sky. Sophia was probably unaware she was doing it, but I wasn't going to say anything. Instead, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, and pulled her tighter against me.

"What are we doing Ash?" She whispered, tilting her head up to look at me.

"I don't know. But can't we just keep doing it for a little while?" I hummed, causing her to just laugh.

"We have a flight in two and a half hours." She sighed, looking up once again. "I don't want to leave."

"Me either. I'm going to miss this place." I sighed, leaning my head against hers. "Tour starts soon though."

"I can't believe it." Sophia nearly whispered, her voice sounding breathy and content.


"I can't believe I'm going on a world tour. I can't believe I'm singing the national anthem at the Super Bowl. I can't believe my own tour is in six months. I can't believe any of it." I could see she was becoming extremely tired with every passing moment. I didn't want it to be morning, and I didn't want her to go.

"You deserve it. All of it." I whispered, brushing her dirty blonde waves away from her face. Her eyes were fluttering as she struggled to keep herself awake. I decided that I didn't want to disturb her, so I scooped her up bridal style into my arms, and stumbled back through the window. It was a real struggle, but I got us through. Sophia was asleep now, the tops over her cheeks being smothered by her long lashes. I can't get enough of her.

I didn't want to put her in my bed, because I was unaware of how understaning she would be whenever she woke up. So I adjusted her body in my arms, and started the short walk back to her house.

Sophia's POV

I woke up to my phone alarm going off at four. It was still dark outside, and all the lights were off. Luke would be here in twenty minutes to get me, so I'm glad I packed yesterday. I hit the snooze, and try to roll out of bed, only to have something pull me back. Across my waist there was a tanned arm, and a head with locks of wavy hair was laying on my stomach. I vaguely remembered Ashton bringing me home after carrying me inside. I didn't know how we got in without my mum or Josh noticing but It's whatever. I sighed, noticing that the arm belonged to Ashton, and swatted him away. I forcefully pulled out of his grip, and I saw his eyebrows furrow together at through loss of contact. I snatched the blanket away from him, and flicked my lamp on.

"Get up Ash." I sighed, walking over to the clothes I had sat out. But then I remembered those were the clothes I put on whenever I went with Ashton last night. I just grumbled and threw my wavy hair up into a messy bun. I came back in from the attached bathroom to see Ashton slowly tying the laces of hisblack Vans.

"Luke's going to be here any minute, and Mina will be pissed if you miss the flight. You'd better go." I opened my door for him, only for a deep scowl to set on his face.

"You're going with Luke?" Ashton spat. He sounded really butt hurt right now.

"Yes. What? Did you think I was riding with you or something?" I raised my eyebrows at him. His mouth opened, but no words came out. As much as I wanted to give in and ride with Ashton, I already gave in too much last night.

I heard footsteps start coming down the hallway, and I remembered I told Luke to just walk right in when he got here.

"You need to leave. Right now."

"How am I supposed to get out? What's the big deal?" He challenges me. But it was too late, because Luke opened my door, and his eyes widened at Ashton. Without another word, a content smirk formed on Ashton's lips as he grabbed his phone and wallet from my dresser, and bumped Luke's shoulder as he sauntered out.

"What was that?" Luke confusedly asks, grabbing my suitcase for me.

"He's just a dick."

A/N: Was it obvious this was sorta a filler? sorry not sorry. If You're bored I don't care I'm enjoying myself lmao

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Aria's out

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