Twenty Nine

19 1 1

Sophia's POV

And as it should be, Ashton stormed off and hadn't came back for hours. I sent him multiple texts but I got the ole 'read and don't reply' thing. Michael was losing his mind trying to figure out where Luke had gone. Calum was unusually quiet, and he even cried because of everything that went down with Ashton. He and Ash were the closest in the band, I couldn't imagine how he felt.

"God damn it Luke!' Michael shouted in despair, after being sent straight to voicemail for the fifth time in half an hour. "Where the hell could he be?"

"I don't kow Michael."

"You know what?" He snarled, pointing an accusatory finger at me. "Its your fucking fault Luke is gone! You're such a stupid whore!" I was stunned, and hurt to say the least. As someone in the music industry, I was no stranger to hurtful and terrible comments. But not from someone I loved and cared about like these boys.

"Shut up Michael!" Calum cried, looking mortified. "It is not her fault."

"She treats Luke like shit!" He scoffed, fingers running through his red hair. "And I don't know what the fuck you and Ashton have going on but you can't do my best friend that way!" I knew he was hurt and didn't mean what he was saying. I saw the regret filling his features instantly. But it still sucked. There was nothing worse than being told you're a shitty person.

"You think I don't know that?" My voice cracked, betraying me. "You think I'm fucking enjoying any of this? Newsflash Mikey, I'm not. I'm fucking miserable! I don't know what the fuck is going on in my head! So don't you dare try to pretend like you do!" I was screaming, and I had tears streaming down my face. Calum looked like he was about to be sick.

"You've said it yourself. Ashton was a bitch to you. So then you go behind Luke's back and destroy him, for what? Fucking Ashton! I love Ash like a brother and god Soph, I love you like family but that's complete bullshit! What is wrong with you? Are you fucking dense!?"

"I'm in love with him you fucking idiot!" I screamed, and I swear the walls rattled.

"Well Luke is in love with you!" the door opened, and it probably looked like an all out nuclear war was about to go down in the hotel room. But all I could focus on was the words that just came out of Michael's mouth.

"Luke is in love with you."


Luke was in love with me. I couldn't help the way my heart fell to my stomach. Luke Hemmings, the sweet, adorable, blonde- haired and blue eyed angel was in love with me. And I was going to crush him. I knew that I loved Luke, and a little more than just platonically. There was a deeper connection there. I just wasn't sure quite how deep and if it could ever compare to Ashton. I was a total bastard.

Who had come through the door, was Louis and I think the panicked look on his face said it all.

"Its Luke." He panted, blue eyes wide. "Something terrible has happened."


"He's going to be fully awake in a few minutes, you'll have to go back one at a time." The snotty red headed nurse told us. She was bitchy and her top was too tight in the chest and she had eyeliner wings that touched her eyebrows. But who am I to judge? Bad makeup was the least of my problems at this point in time. I thought I was literally going to puke up a lung.

"What did they say was wrong with him?" I asked Michael the second he came back from the doctor's office. He had blotchy skin and red eyes, and that was a very bad sign. I'd never seen Michael Clifford cry.

"He's going to be okay." He sniffed. "He's banged up pretty bad you guys. Please don't freak out." He looked especially at me. "Two broken ribs, a severe concussion, and he has a brusied lung. They're going to be giving him a breathing treatment." My heart was going to fall out of my butt. I wasn't sure if I was breathing. "Where the fuck is Ashton?" I shook my head. I didn't know.

"I tried calling, straight to voicemail." Louis replied.

"Same here. He read and didn't reply to my texts." Cal whined.

"Sophia, he's asking for you." Mikey sighed. I nodded and stood, wiping my eyes. I was conflicted as I approached the door with Luke's clipboard outside of it. I know I wanted to see Luke just for my mental clarification that he was alive, and that he was going to be okay. But, if his appearance made Michael cry, then I couldn't imagine what it was going to do to me. I held my breath as I walked through the door, and I thought I was going to have heart palpitations. Luke was hooked up to a couple of machines, with cords hanging from the veins in his strong arms. His pale blue eyes were wide open, taking in their surroundings and his blonde hair was flat against his forehead. A big, white patch was visible from the collar of his gown, indicating he had a big cut there. Bruises were on his arms and legs, and even his face. I hated the thought of someone ruining Luke's perfect face.

"Soph." Luke whimpered softly, looking over at me.

"Lukey." I muttered, trying to suck up the tears that were ready to fall. I flocked over to his side immediately and sat next to his hips, and he winced whenever I accidentally brushed against his rib cage. "Sorry."

"Its okay." He gave me a light chuckle. "You look ravishing." He lied. I looked like total hell. We had been here for six and a half hours, and I was a wreck ninety percent of it. My hair was messy and tangled from running my fingers through it, and my makeup was a disaster from crying. But I still nodded in acceptance anyways.

"You look good with your hair like that Luke." I complimented, touching the blonde layers with my shaky fingers. He cracked a soft smile, and let me continue to run my fingers back through his hair. "I'll have someone bring your hair gel in later."

"You're a gem." He teased. "I'm sorry you know, about earlier." My stomach dropped, and I thought of what Michael told me.
"I'm sorry too. You know, I don't think a relationship is really in my best interest right now," I answered nervously. "Not because of you, but because I just don't know what's going on with my mind, and I need some time to figure it out." He reached one big, bruised and cut finger to brush along my chin.

"Take all the time you need, love." He nodded softly, sliding his hand up to rest on my cheek. "I'll wait for you forever."

"I hope you don't have to." I smiled weakly, leaning into his palm. "I care so much about you, Luke Hemmings." He pulled my face closer to his, and for a moment I freaked out and thought he was going to kiss me, but instead he pressed a soft, chaste kiss to my forehead.

"I know."

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