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A/N: Okay, just a quick little rant. In what fucking world is it okay to tell Calum he cant smoke? We are his fans not his mum and dad. We should support him, not worry about his health. it isn't our business. Same as Ashton having a girlfriend IT ISN'T OUR GODDAMNED BUSINESS SO LET IT GO.


Ashton's POV

I didn't know what I was doing, but I kissed her. I kissed her right on the lips, and she kissed back. It was a mix of tears, and her cherry red lipstick. But I didn't mind. Sophia was a beautiful person. I wanted to kiss her so many times, and this seemed like the worst time to do so. But no part of our relationship had ever been normal. We were our own type of romance in our own fucked up way.

But after a few seconds, Sophia drew back from me while shaking her head gingerly from side to side. The boys were all staring at us, and Luke looked totally pissed.

I tried to caress her cheek and kiss her again.

"Don't, Ashton." Sophia bitterly said, standing to her feet. I was stunned by her words. She had kissed me back. Couldn't she see I was trying to make up for whatever I had done to her?

"Wow." Luke spat, turning around and running from the room. Great. Luke was disappearing ten minutes before the interview. Sophia turned around, her-now brown-eyes panicked.

"Luke! Luke wait please!" She turned and glanced at me once, only to shake her head, before dashing off after Luke. It all became pretty damn clear to me. This girl I couldn't live without, could definitely live without me.

Luke's POV (You're Welcome Lol)

"Luke! Luke wait please!" Sophia yelled after me as casually walked down the dressing room hallways. I knew something was going on between Ashton and Sophia the first day of rehersal. And stupid me, I believed she was into me. Because I was definitely into her. She was smart, beautiful, funny, sassy. Everything I liked about a girl. I would sail the world for this one girl, and she dumps it all on one kiss with my band mate. I was done. D-O-N-E.

"Luke stop!" I felt her arm wrap around mine to stop me, and I turned around quickly to see her crying again, running her fingers through her hair. Her stylists made her look twice her age.  But she still looked as beautiful as ever in that dress.

"Stop? Stop what? Walking away from you? Because that's what you just did to me. Everything this past week we had together you just threw out the window. " I snapped. It was hard for me to look at her while she bawled.

"I don't know what I'm doing. I'm confused. Ashton and I..." She trailed away, giving me this pleading look.

"So you two are a thing now?"


"Godammit Sophia! This isn't a game! You're fucking with my mind!" I frustradely ran my hands over my hair. My anger was slowly dwindling as she sat both her hands on my broad shoulders, and looked at me with those big brown eyes. God she was breathtaking.

"I'm trying to figure it all out Luke. I haven't quite gotten my shit together. I'm trying though. Please, just understand." Her voice was soft and quiet as she locked her arms around my neck, and stood on her tip-toes to hug me. At first, I thought of pushing her off, but I knew I couldn't do that. I liked her too much. I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist as she buried her face in the crook of my neck. As I tightly held the sad girl Ashton had broken somehow in my arms, my only thought was,
Ashton had to pay for what he's done to her.

Sophia's POV

"Okay okay, you guys are on in one minute. Act like you like each other." Mina says, glaring at myself and Ashton after the last bit. I didn't want to look at his face, because I knew that there was still my hand print there, and he had to wipe my lipstick off his mouth. I was surprised when he kissed me considering I had just slapped him. But I had kissed him back. Ashton was confusing the fuck out of me, and I didn't know if I was on the road to forgiving him or not. I didn't think so. I couldn't forgive him. He didn't even know what  he had done wrong, and that makes it worse. If it was my choice, I would jump right back into Ashton's arms, but I had to be strong. I had a career and so did he. Plus there was this little thing about Luke. I didn't know what I felt for him either. I don't know if it's friendly, or more than that. All I know is, I couldn't even look at Ashton without picturing the way his lips touched mine.

"You look gorgeous. " Luke quietly whispered in my ear, his lips brushing against the base. I saw Ashton glare at him while I gave him a thankful smile.

"Okay, you're on. " Dave gently bushes me forward, and the boys trailed on stage right behind me. I didn't know the interviewer, but he seemed like the Australian version of Jimmy Fallon. They had a nice little single seat sat out for me, and the boys made themselves comfortable on a black couch. Only Mikey sat on the arm of the couch instead.

"Welcome." His accent was thick and quite difficult to understand if you aren't originally Australian.

"Hello Sophia. Hello boys." The crowd screamed as I flashed a smile, and waved at them.

"So let's get started. You and Miss Noelle are obviously touring together, so what is it like to work with such a succesful artist Michael?"

Mikey looked kinda pissed that he put him on the spot, but he didn't really have a choice.

"Oh yeah. She's a really talented person. We have a good time. We all get on pretty well." He totally lied. I'm glad he had a good save, but I hate lying to my fans.

"I see. No drama between you and the boys then?" He looked at me, and I sat up straighter.

"Nope. We are really good friends. They're all very nice guys, and I cant wait to start the tour soon." I felt like I had the word "bullshitter" stamped on my forehead. I saw Ashton uncomfortably shift after I spoke, ruffling his hair.

"What about being on tour with a girl is different than being with boys like you were with the One Direction boys?" Man he had some damned good questions. I knew these were trick questions, they were trying to get a huge wave of drama going about the boys hating me and shit for the press. Interviewers do it all the time.

They ruined lives. Just like they were taught to do. I for one, found it sick.

A/N: Im fucking great for a double update.

Happy #EverAfterFriday
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Aria's out

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