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Sophia's POV

"WE'RE IN ENGLAND WHOOP WHOOP!" Michael shouted the minute we stepped off the plane. Calum flinched at the loudness of his voice, but I just laughed. Ashton had avoided me the whole plane ride, and glared at Luke. I couldn't see why he was pissed off, I was never going to forgive him. But I didn't say anything to Ashton about it, because we have a concert tomorrow and I don't want to start shit the first day of tour. I was confused as to why there were no fans in the airport, only paparazzi. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate paps, but sometimes they're really rude to us. They need to mind their own fucking business honestly.

"Luke! Sophia over here!"

"Ashton! Smile boys!" I was too blinded by cameras to see anything, so I didn't notice whenever I accident bumped into somebody, and fell to the ground.

"Shit." I mumbled as I looked up. It was a young man, with the most pissed off look on his face.

"Watch where you're going you fucking bitch." He spat. I was about to have a smart ass comment whenever someone beat me to it.

"Excuse you?" It was Ashton. He helped me you, before getting in the paps face. Every vein in his arms were sticking out, and the man looked terrified.


"Beat it you fucking twat." Ashton spat, before shoving him by the shoulders. It took a second for the man to get himself together before scrambling away.

"Are you okay?"

"Fucking dandy." I sarcastically said. Luke was by my side in seconds, wrapping an arm around me as we pushed through more paparazzi. He was such a sweetie.

"I wanted to punch his face in." Luke breathed the second we got into the black Range Rover that was waiting for us. Mikey and Cal were smashed in the seat behind us, and I was between Ashton and Luke. And it was officially awkward.

I could see the pissed off expression on Ashton's face as he narrowed his eyes at Luke, before looking out the window. Luke slowly put his arm on the seat to rest just behind my head, and I just leaned back against it because I had major jet lag, and it probably would piss Ashton off so it was a bonus.

"Stop the car." Ashton softly said to the driver. I looked at him strangely, but he didn't meet my gaze.

"Mr. Irwin its raining and-"

"I said stop the fucking car!" he shouted, and I saw Luke's eyes widen as the driver grumbled, slamming on the brakes right then. Ashton quickly swung the door open, and stumbled out. I groaned mostly to myself, and I'm not sure why but I swiftly undid my seatbelt and climbed out after him. I heard Luke yell my name, but I was too focused on Ashton who started to speed walk through the crowd whenever he noticed I had followed him. Thank Jesus he was freakishly tall, so I could pick him out in the crowd.

"Ashton!" I screamed after him whenever he broke out into a run. People were staring at him as a started to sprint after him. Ashton was tall, and lean so there was no way in hell I was ever going to outrun him. I prayed that he got tired soon, and would slow down so I could catch up. As I chased Ashton, I could feel a steady beat of rain coming down on my head. I forgot England had such sucky weather. I kept running through the down pour, and because Ashton had just turned a corner, I figured he was trying to hide so he didn't have to run anymore. I follow him around the corner, which, of course, turned out to be this super freaky looking alley. They make street lamps for a reason. I have absolutely NO idea how this alley was so dark, considering it was like two in the afternoon here. I was soaked from head to toe, contemplating on whether or not to give up and call one of the boys to come and get. I walked slowly down the dim concrete, hoping Ashton would appear. But when he didn't, I sighed and whipped my phone out of my pocket. I was surprised it even worked because of how wet my clothes were. I dialed Calum's number, mainly because Luke would be pissed that I chased Ashton in the first place and I didn't want him to be all "I told you so." and Calum is the next best thing.

And nearly after two rings, a gasp escaped my lips as a firm hand clamped over my mouth from behind me. I dropped my phone onto the concrete just as I heard

"Hello?" from Cal. I screamed, and then I did exactly as Dave taught me, and bit that bitches hand. The perp shrieked a shrill cry I could've recognized anywhere. I spun around, and there was fucking Ashton, grimacing at his hand.

"You bit me!" he sorta chuckled.

"Fuck Yeah I bit you! You scared the shit out of me!" I half shouted, watching as he inspected his injured hand.

"You can't just jump out of the car in the middle of a foreign country Ashton!"

"Would you have married me if I asked? you know, back then?" He completely change the subject. I was stunned by his bold questions, and I had no idea what to say.

"Ashton you're talking nonsense. We have to get to the hotel." I quietly shook my head at him, my hair sticking to my face from the continuing rain. What a fucked up mess we must've looked like. Standing here in the cold ass rain, talking about our past.

"Don't turn away from me." he demanded, tucking his finger under my chin, and lifting it up. I had the urge to pull away, but I didn't.

"I love you. " Every cell in my body vibrated at his words. I thought I nearly died whenever I heard those words over voicemail, but this almost made my heart cave in. It sounds so chliche, but I kissed him. I kissed Ashton in the rain, just after he told me he loved me. His arms were wound around my waist instantly, and I had to stand on my tip toes to reach my around his neck. I was giving in, and I was losing everything I had fought for. But I truly didn't fucking care. This kiss was sweet and passionate, No matter how cheesy that sounds. I swore I felt sparks. I didn't know where this would lead us afterwards, but this was the only thing that matter this second.

I tangled my hands up through his shaggy hair, my hands easily combing through the mop of waves. I felt him smile through the kiss, and before it could escalate further, he pulled away from me, and leaned his forehead against mine. His lips were swollen from our kiss, and he wore a bright and genuine smile with adorable dimples.

"You're just full of surprises." He bubbled out soft laughter, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry I ran from you. And scared you."

"Luke and I are just friends Ashton." I told him, when I noticed him frowning at my jacket. I had totally forgotten Luke had given me his jacket before the plane ride, and I was still wearing it.

"He likes you." Ashton argued, his eyebrows pulled together. He was now looking down at me, his shaggy hair tangled and wild from the rain, and my hands.

"You can't deny it." he said once I opened my mouth to object.

He was completelty right. I knew Luke liked me. And what was even worse was the fact I knew I felt something for him.

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