Twenty Four

18 1 0

Sophia's POV

"Great show Sophia!" Mina beamed the moment I stepped off the stage. Damn, I haven't even sat down yet.

"I agree." I looked over, and there was Louis Tomlinson. Like I had said, I went on tour with One Direction last year, and we were the best of friends. Louis and I got especially close, and Niall too.

"Lou!" I squealed, jumping into his arms like we hadn't seen each other in ages. Even though we saw each other at the AMA's. He hugged me back, his high pitched laugh being muffled by my hair. He spun me around, and I laughed crazily, until he sat me back on my feet. He was small, so only about five inches taller than me. It was weird because the people I've been around lately are like fucking giraffes.

"Hey baby girl." Louis flashed me his award winning smile, the kind where his eyes crinkle. Louis had always referred to me as his baby girl, because I was so much younger than him, with him being twenty three, and me being nineteen. We were never romantically involved. I was however, slightly involved with Niall. But that's another story for another day.
"How have you been?"

"Amazing." I breathed, my adrenaline really pumping. 5SOS was just about to go onstage, and I could hear them warming up.
"What are you doing here?"

"We have a little break, thought I would come see my favorite girl." He nudged me, and then gave me a little pat on the head. I hugged him again briefly, before I released him, handing my mic to the sound guy. "What's been going on in the 'ole show biz Soph?" He waggled his eyebrows, making me giggle, sipping on a bottle of water he handed me.

"Same old same old. Those boys are wild. But I love them to death." I sighed, slightly looking over my shoulder to see the 5SOS boys rocking the stage, but my eyes were mainly focused on Ash, who was drumming his heart out, but not like he meant it. He wasn't grinning, only giving a little smile that didn't reach his eyes. He looked like he was depressed, trapped, and angry. I and I have no idea how I was supposed to fix it. I had kissed Luke, and I knew it would crush him. But, I wasn't dating Ashton, and he had no problem kissing other people while we were together. But my heart did go out to him, because he was Ashton Irwin, and I loved him.
I hadn't been paying attention to Louis, nor the singing going on, so whenever I saw Louis point to the stage in my peripheral vision, I had no idea what was going on. We were standing side stage, meaning I could see all of the boys performing. I didn't understand what was happening though. The music had stopped right after Long Way Home, and Ashton was getting up from behind the drums. He nodded off to Mikey, who abruptly took his guitar from around himself, and handed it to Ashton. What the fuck? Luke took his place where Michael had previously been, and Michael went with Calum, over to his mic, that they huddled around. So basically, as far as I could tell, Ashton would be singing, Calum would be bass, Luke would be guitar, and Michael was a back up singer.

"Okay guys, this isn't something we typically do," Ashton cleared his throat, the crowd growing eerily silent. "This is a new song we-well I've been working on, and I feel like now's the time to release it." The crowd screamed. I looked at Louis, and he looked at me, shrugging before we both turned our attention to the stage, and Ashton began strumming the guitar to a song I've never heard before.
"This is Everything I Didn't Say."

"Wait, don't tell me, heaven is a place on Earth, wish I could rewind all the times that I didn't show you what you're really worth." His hair was flying around everywhere, as I listen to the beautiful voice of a boy who was at one point my everything.
"With the way, you held me, I wish I would've put you first." Ashton's voice was seeping with emotion, as his eyes were shut, seeming concentrated on what he was singing.
"I was wrong I admit, I longed for a kiss as you were slipping through my fingers in tears." Then, he looked at me. His eyes were glowing brightly, glinting with tears, as he strummed the guitar like his life meant it.
"Taking every breath away, with all of the mistakes I've made, from all the letters that I've saved, this is Everything I Didn't Say." And that's when my throat let out a strangled cry, my right hand reaching out and gripping Louis' forearm, and he already was looking at me with his eyes wide, and his jaw dropped.
"I wish I could've made you stay, and I'm the only one to blame, I know that its a little to late, this is Everything I Didn't Say." And I have had enough. I couldn't take it anymore.

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