Twenty Seven

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Luke's POV (lol I'm so sorry)

"Luke. Wake up." Michael jumped onto the bed beside me. I rolled to face the other side. "Luke wake the fuck up." He started shaking me.

"God dammit what do you want?" I exploded, rubbing my eyes. I can never get any fucking sleep with Michael around. Calum was laying curled up on the fold out couch, like a baby. "What is so important at ten in the morning?"

"Dude, there's something you've gotta see." Calum sleepily mumbled. Louis popped his head in from the kitchen area. I totally forgot he was even here.

"Mate, don't initiate a fight between Sophia and Luke." Lou gave Michael and Calum a disapproving look.

"What?" I screeched, alarmed. "What's going on? Why would I fight with Sophia?"

"Luke chill for a minute here, and we'll show you." Calum sat up, ruffling his fingers through his bed head. I shot up beside him, stumbling into my skinny jeans. I tucked a beanie over my head because fuck it. Calum motioned for all of us to follow him out into the hallway, and we did.

"Calum mate, this isn't a good idea." Louis said, shaking his head.

"Hush Tommo." Michael hissed, walking over to Ashton's hotel room door. I looked at Cal, then at Mikey. I knew that whatever was going on wasn't going to please me, so I was nervous. Calum quietly opened the door with his room key, and looked at me.

"Go ahead." He gestured. Oh great so I got to endure this alone. I gave them all a suspicious look, but slipped inside and nearly smacked into a suitcase laying on the floor. I barely dodged it, and walked further into the suite.

My heart dropped to my stomach. Its was Ashton. And Sophia.

In a bed.



They were cuddled together, with Ashton's arm tight at her small waist and his head on her stomach. One of her hands was lightly intertwined with his, and the other was wrapped into his shaggy hair. It felt like my heart just snapped in half. It felt like...dying. Is that what being heartbroken feels like? I stumbled back, and that fucking suitcase was there and I face planted onto the carpeted floor, making a thud.

"Fuck!" I hissed, shooting back up to a sitting position. I hadn't realized until now that tears were silently making their way down my cheeks, and realized, hell yes, this is was being heartbroken was.

"Luke?" I froze. My head whipped in the direction of the bed, and Ashton was looking at me with his eyes squinted. He didnt say anything else. He only closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep. I scrambled to my feet, crying harder now. I felt like such a piece of shit. I felt so betrayed, so hurt, so broken. I slipped back out into the hall where Lou, Mikey and Cal were, and they were all giving me looks of sympathy as I simply charged past them, almost in a full on sprint back to my own hotel room, sobbing like a little girl.

"Luke!" Calum's voice came from outside the door. I slid down against it, my ridiculously long legs hugged to my chest, where my face was buried and soaking my black jeans with tears. I felt so stupid.

"Mate, hey mate let us in." Louis said, knocking softly.

"Luke." It was Michael now, only he sounded slightly salty as he beat on the door. "Come on, Hemmo. I'll help you get over Sophia."

"Go away!" I cried, sobbing harder. I didn't want to get over her. Is this what being used feels like too?

I didn't know if it was something wrong with me? Or if it was her. I was nothing but kind to her. I did everything I could to make Sophia happy and she just threw it back in my face. She lead me on. She hugged me, flirted, and hell, she even kissed me. It hit me flat in the face like a brick wall. It started suffocating me at that very second.

I'm in love with Sophia.

A/n: ITS SO SHORT IM SO SORRY. But yeah, I'll just leave you with this incredibly depressing chapter (I cri I vri). Literally every time its in Luke's POV nothing goes right and I find that sad. Tbh idek know where im going with this story its just kinda going wherever it wants.


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