Twenty Two

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Sophia's POV

"Do you remember me, standing in a nice dress, looking at the sunset babe..." I hummed quietly to myself, listening to the deafening screams of thousands of fans. I wasn't nervous, I didn't get nervous. I knew how to sing better than anything else. It was my talent, and I was fully confident in it. The sound guys were running past me, the boys were around here somewhere. I wore a simple flower print dress, that was strapless and fitted at the top, and paired it with coffee colored boots with wooden heels. My hair was loose and wavy on my shoulders. I felt good. I was excited and happy.

I was opening for a a group of extremely talented boys that I loved. Even Luke who was ignoring me, and Ashton who was torturing me.

"Hey Soph." Ashton and Calum appear infront of me, both of them dressed head to toe in black. Ashton had a black bandana around his forehead, and a pair of drumsticks in his right hand.

"Just wanted yo wish you luck love." Cal gave mea tight hug, and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled widely, and hugged Ashton, my arms instantly wrapping around his neck. His swayed a little at the intensity of the hug, and rested his chin on my head.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered, his fingers drawing shapes on my lower back.

"Two minutes Miss Noelle." Dave walked past me, over to the backstage exit. Ash released me, giving me a dazzling smile.

"Knock 'em dead babe." He kissed me lightly on the forehead, and strutted towards Calum who was now talking to Michael. I put in my ear piece, and jumped when a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned around, and there was Luke, wearing a plain black shirt with a black and black flannel and black skinny jeans. His blonde hair was gelled up to perfection.

"Luke." I breathed, slowing my heart rate down. He smiled at me a bit, stuffing both of his hands in his pockets.


"Hey." He laughed quietly, smiling at me, the dimple in his right cheek popping.

"Just wanted to wish you good luck." His voice was soft, such a nice change from screaming. I pushed my hair to one side, and adjusted my earpiece.

"Thanks." I smiled back at him. His proximity to me was breathtakingly close, and I could see the small flecks of dark blue in his eyes. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, before his eyes flicked to my lips, and back to my eyes. I didn't know if I wanted him to kiss me. He was sweet, and kind, and cute. He hasn't ever let me down, and he's been there for me when I needed him. Ashton had broken promises to me once and twice over, and he still didn't know what he had done. I didn't know what I was wanting, but hell, I wasn't denying myself the pleasures in life.

"Kiss m-" I couldn't even finish the last breath before his lips instantly landed on mine, and his strong arm tightened around my waist. My hand moved up to cup around his face, standing on my toes to reach his lips. I could feel the cool piece of black metal in his lip as he smiled into the kiss, before drawing away.

"Showtime." The head tech guy walked by me, looking at Luke and I with a smirk.

"Hey." He tilted my chin up with his fingers, an admiring smile on his handsome face.

"Show them how talented you are. Show me the Sophia I know." He gave me one last hug, before I was rushed off to the stage, smiling my ass off.

And as I stepped onto the darkened stage, my mic in my hand, I looked to the side, and behind the curtain stood Ashton, looking at me like I had just punched him in the throat.

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