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Sophia's POV

"You're late." My publicist Mina flatly says the minute I walk in the door, not even bothering to make sure its me. I'm actually right on time, but I won't disagree with someone who could make Casey Anthony admit to murder.

Instead of saying something sarcastic like I normally do, I just roll my eyes, falling into the chair across from her desk. She by far has one of the nicest offices in the building. A whole wall mad of glass so you had a view of the Big Ben. It was absolutely beautiful. But probably not to Mina.

"Its lunch time and I really am feeling some Panera. So if you could just get on with yelling at me for nothing, that would be freaking great." I say just as emotionless as her. She looks up from her paperwork, a deep scowl etched in her face. I just know if I wasn't such a big deal she would snap my neck and cut me off right now.

"Actually, I'm not yelling at you." She leans her bony body back in her spinning chair, twirling a pen between two fingers. She's surprisingly chill, and its starting to freak me the hell out. "Yet anyways."

"Can we get on with this? Ed and I have a recording session ten blocks down in ten minutes." I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I want you to know that you're going to be handing out the breakthrough artist of the year AMA on Thursday." Mina tells me. Okay? I've given out awards before. I know what I'm doing.

"You couldn't just shoot me a text?" I groan, running my hands through my blonde waves. Seriously, she's so stupid sometimes.

"Sophia, there other thing." I cant believe this. Mina actually seems really nervous. "You will be handing the award out to the 5 Seconds Of Summer Boys." Is this some kind of sick joke? What the hell is this?

"No! There is no fucking way I'm handing those untalented fucks that Moon man!" I practically shriek, Mina shushing me. "You know I hate them."

"I'm sorry, Sophia. But it will be great for your image for you to be seen with such a huge band. You're both equally as huge. You need this, and they need this. Its just five minutes, Miss Noelle." I still hasn't gotten used to that name. Its been whole two years, and I still hadn't gotten used to it.

"I fucking I hate you for this." I spat, glaring at her.

"That's okay."

Ashton's POV

"Jesus I'm tired as fuck." Mikey complains, leaning back in the chair outside of Mina's office. I bet we have a meeting because we're in trouble. Nothing unusual. Mina was running a little bit behind because of a previous meeting, which is strange for her. She's always so organized, you'd think she would be on time. Normally, we'd be late as well but Luke was rushing out the door to be on time. Now we were in the fucking waiting room with Michael checking out the secretary every twenty seconds.

"No! This is bullshit!" I hear a girly voice shriek from Mina's office. The boys and I exchange glances. "I fucking hate you Mina." Jesus. I wonder who the hell that is. I feel bad for the girl honestly, because Mina is probably forcing her into doing something she doesn't want to do.

A few minutes later there is a really annoyed groaning sound, and the sound of the door knob turning.

"Have Mitch bring the car around. The last thing I need is to be mobbed." One girl, around the age of seventeen steps out, furiously typing on a cell phone. She's probably the assistant. Then, the girl herself steps out. I can't see her face, her back was to me. Loose dirty blonde waves, a great figure, and dancer legs.

I see Calum's eyes widen from his view of her, before he whips his head to look at me.

"Holy shit. You're Sophia Noelle." Luke girlishly says. Oh my god. I hear a laugh escape the girl, before she turns to face us all. And sure enough, it was the one true threat to our band. The girl I had known my entire life.

She doesn't seem to notice me though, because her eyes are trained on Luke. She always had a thing for blondes.

"Yeah. I am. And you are?" She's lost her accent. She grew up with my in Sydney, Australia, always with a thick accent, like my own. But now she sounded purely American. Like someone from California.

I was too stunned to say anything, so I simply stared at her, jealously watching her flirt with my best mate.

"The pleasure is mine. I'm Luke Hemmings. And this is Michael, Calum and Ashton." Luke gestures to all of us. Sophia's deep brown eyes grow very wide, slowly dragging her gaze over all of us, until it rests on me. She no longer had braces. Her teeth were perfectly white and straight now, with tanned skin. She looked so different, yet the same all at once. It was like a slap back into memory lane.

"Irwin." Sophia forces a smile at me that is so sarcastic. I'm assuming she's gotten used to faking she's happy when she's not. Its the way fame works.

She's basically burning me alive with her eyes. I don't even have the courage to look Sophia in the eyes. Aha. That's something else that was different about her. Growing up, Sophia had crystal blue eyes. This deep shade of brown definitely wasn't natural.

"How are you? Still being a fuckboy?" I grip the sides of my chair to keep from getting in her face. Luke takes a step back, Michael glances between us, and Calum remains dead silent.

I didn't say anything. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of gauging a reaction out of me.

And knowing that she had won, she shoved her blackberry into her clutch thing, and turned on her heel towards the door.

"See you in two weeks, boys." Sophia sneakily says. What?

"Boys, you're next." Mina's obnoxiously fake blonde head pops outside the door.

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