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Ashton's POV

"Along with Miss Noelle handing you the AMA, she will be the opening act for your world tour." Mina breaks the news to us. Red. Blood fucking red was all I could see as we received the worst possible news. Luke and Mikey looked somewhat happy, but that's only because they are attracted to her. I was livid. I was so mad, my fingernails were digging painfully into the palm of my hand because my fists were clenched so hard. I can see Cal stealing worried glances in my direction, but his existence is purely sympathetic. I was furious.

"Um, I don't think that's such a good idea." Calum speaks up before I get the chance to freak out completely. Mina gives him a hell bent glare, seeming short fused already.

"There is no room for negotiations, Mr. Hood. Its been decided. We want what is best for 5 Seconds Of Summer, and that is to have Sophia on tour with you." She explains in a scolding tone, as if she was talking to children.

"No. Absolutely fucking not." I spat, my vision shifting from red, to black. If looks could kill, I would he dead on the floor because of the glares I'm receiving from both Luke and Michael, along with Mina.

"Ashton, you seem to be at a loss for the term "no room for negotiations." Sophia will join you on tour in exactly two weeks. The day after the AMA's, she will fly into Sydney to practice for a few days, then you will head off to your first arena headline. Now shut up and do what you're told, or find another company better than SYCO to sign you." She is being super bitchy about this. Surely there is some way to get Sophia off this tour, she just wants me to shut up. This isn't over.

"Seriously Ash, let it go." Mikey groans, ringing a hand through his bright red hair.

*The AMA's*

Sophia's POV

"Oh sweetheart, consider yourself lucky. They're so cute." Perrie squeals, accepting the pastel purple dress her stylist hand her. Perrie and I have been friends for about three years now, considering my first AMA was given to me by her and her girl group Little Mix. We also hung out together at a One Direction concert before. She's so sweet, and so loyal. I love her to death, and her fiancee is such a cool guy. All of 1D are pretty cool honestly.

She was busy putting the dress on, as my stylist was still looking for one. Once she finally gets it over her blonde waves, she turns to me.

"I mean, from what Zayn has said."

"Ugh, please Per. Don't say that. I'll get sick." I whine, causing her to laugh lightly. "I have to hand them that Moon man tonight. Fuck." My stylist also happens to be hers, so our hair is basically the same. Mine is in loose curls down my back, with a bump in the front. Perrie's is straight, with a bump at the front. I don't really mind, though.

"Don't forget you also have to go on their tour." Perrie points out, just for me to groan in frustration. My little Asian stylist comes rushing back, a beautiful red dress tucked in her hand. Its strapless, and goes to the floor, with a big slit up to my mid thigh. Its very simple, yet classy. I'm in love.

"That's going to be gorg on you Sophia." I smile gratefully at her as I slide the silky material up my body. It fits me perfectly, without showing too much. I allow Perrie to zip up the back for me, as the woman grabs shoes. I can hear the roar of the crowd outside as celebrities come out of the dressing rooms. I wasn't nervous, but I was a little ticked because of those fucktarded Aussie boys like usual.

Perrie wandered off to get her make up touched up before she went out, and I impatiently watch as the woman appears again with beautiful silver heels that strap around my ankle. They're pretty tall, but nothing I can't handle. Once I step into them, I'm nearly two inches taller than her.

"Hey Soph." Zayn pops his head into the dressing room, his hair styled to frame his handsome face. He was fixing the cuffs on his black and white suit as he steps in, glancing around.

"Have you seen Perrie?"

"That way." I point behind me, and he flashes me a pretty smile.

"Thanks. You look beautiful by the way." He politely excuses himself as he scurries off to find Perrie.

"Miss Noelle, ready?" A burly colored man steps in, with a wire inside his ear, and a suit. This happens to be my body guard David. He normally doesn't attend things like this, but Mina sent him to make sure I didn't try anything while giving those 5SOS boys their AMA. By the way, what the fuck is a 5SOS?

"Looking rather handsome Mr. David." I love teasing him. Dave was like a father to me, so we got on well. He helps me get down off the clothing platform, and I was supposed to wait exactly ten seconds before exiting the dressing room.

"Okay, lets go."

I take about five steps outside the room, and screams start erupting. I was used to this time of attention, and I loved my fans.

"And there is Sophia Noelle down at the end." I hear who I think is Lucy Hale. Huh. Didn't know she was musically inclined. Flashes from the annoying photographers, and some from cell phones blind me as I plaster on a smile. My goal was to get to the end, to be interviewed. Dave was close by my side, telling me he would help me if needed.

"Oh my god look at Luke!" I hear people start screaming. Mostly girls. I turn around, and see the blonde boy from that dreaded band jogging up to me. He was dressed very nicely, in a suit. His blonde hair was styled wonderfully. I've always had a thing for blondes.

"Care if I accompany you?" I nearly tackle him right there. I was mad, but something about his choice of words lead me to believe Mina is behind this little show we are putting on. "Go with it." Luke quietly says. I look over at Dave, who gives me a small nod. Oh fuck me. Begrudgingly, I weave my arm around Luke's bicep,and flash a smile as good as I can. Mina is so fucking dead. I know the press are going to go insane over this.

"You look very beautiful."

"Not so bad yourself, Hemmings." He was a cute kid, I had to admit. I see his cheeks flush at my words, before he leads me up the small platform stairs to see who I thought, Lucy Hale. She seems to be flustered by Luke too, because her eyes are darting crazily between us. Out of all the people to start a dating rumour with, why one of them?

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