Memory Loss Pill

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  You were walking to the gym. Kiyoko had just told you about some sort of game they were doing. It was against Nekoma, why aren't you surprised?

  You walked through the gym doors and saw a familiar red volleyball uniform of Nekoma.

  "Hey, shortie." You heard a familiar black haired male say as his presence loomed over you.

  "Go away, Kuroo." You said, pushing him from behind you.

  "Awe! You're so mean!" Kuroo whined.

  You grabbed a volleyball and threw it over your head. You can tell by the laughter and Kuroo's yelp of pain that you hit your target.

  "Hey Kenma." You said, walking over to the said male. He clearly wasn't inspecting to have someone talk to him so he flinched.

  "Oh, hey Y/N." Kenma greeted you, quietly.

  "Y/N!" You heard someone call your name. You turned and were crushed in a hug. You knew exactly who this was.

  You froze up instantly. You don't know why but he always caused you to be uneasy.

  "Get off her, Yamamoto. She's clearly uncomfortable." You heard Kuroo as he dragged him off of you.

  "But she's so pretty!" Yamamoto whined.

  You scurried away and behind the Karasuno team, no one noticed that you were actively trying to hide.

  "Hey Y/N." Kiyoko greeted you, smiling

  "What's up?" You asked, relaxing and turning to you.

  "Eh, nothing much. Just thinking of my hot best friend." Kiyoko playfully flirted, nudging your arm. "You have a lot of simps here."

  "Oh, shut up." You rolled your eyes in the same mood as her, playful.

  "Wanna help me prepare the water bottles?" Kiyoko asked.

  "Sure!" You smiled and followed Kiyoko to where she usually did the water bottle preparations.

  You both chatted while doing it, smiling as you did. Once the two of you finished you grabbed your bag.

  "I'm heading to the shop for snacks! You guys want anything?" You called out, getting many responses. Kiyoko had them write it down so you wouldn't forget it all.

  You smiled and left, not realizing you forgot your phone...

  You hummed as you walked. You suddenly felt an arm wrap around you and something covered your mouth. You struggled for a moment before realizing there was no use and let yourself pass out.


  You woke up, tied up. Oh shit. Its this bitch.

  "Come out, dipshit. I know it's you." You said, acting like you weren't terrified.

  "Bravo, you knew it was me." He smiled, his evil smirk planted on his face like his weed.

  "So, are you just gonna hit me, cut me?" You said, "You don't think you scare me, do you?"

  "Shut up." Was all he said before slapping his hand over your mouth. Something was put in your mouth, a pill.

  You swallowed it as a reflex and then something covered your mouth, a cloth. You struggled then felt yourself pass out.


  You woke up, you were laid in bed. You didn't remember anything. You didn't know who you were and where you were. You had no memories at all.

  Someone walked into your room, you didn't know them. You assumed they were a male.

  "Y/N! You're awake! I'm so glad!" He said, with a relieved expression. "Someone with blonde hair with brown roots and brown eyes hurt you."

  "Who are you?" You muttered confused.

  "I'm your dad, did you lose your memory?" He asked, concerned.

  "I think so?" You muttered, confused to the point where when you spoke you sounded like you were asking questions.

  "Oh, maybe we should leave the house to get you to maybe jog a memory or two?" He offered, smiling.

  You nodded, hesitantly. You got up and went to the closet. You looked through the clothes until you settled on a boring outfit. A white shirt with pink stripes and black leggings. Your 'father' left the room to let you change and you did that.

  Once you were changed you went downstairs your father sat you in a seat. "You always wanted a different hair style so I'll do that for you." He said, smiling.

  You sat still as he dyed your hair, it was a blue to purple ombre. You smiled since it was pretty. It took a few hours to actually look nice. It was dark.

  "Well maybe you should rest, tomorrow's a Saturday so we can go out all day." He said with a smile.

  You nodded and you were given sleeping pills to help you sleep. You took them and went back upstairs and to your room. You covered yourself with the blankets and fell asleep.


  You woke up and instantly got changed. A skirt pink skirt and a black T-shirt.

  "Dad, can we go somewhere now?" You asked, excited.

  Your father nodded and led you to a door. He opened it and it lead to the outside.

  You skipped outside happily. You walked with the man who you called your father.

  "Be careful, you might fall." He called out.

  "I'll be fine!" You said, walking backwards and bumping into someone.

  You looked up to see who it was and it was a blonde male with glasses. He was much taller then you, intimidating. He was with a green haired male with freckles.

  "Sorry!" You squeaked out, getting up instantly.

  "Y/N? Did you dye your hair?" You heard the green haired male ask.

  "Y/N! I told you to be careful!" You heard your father yell, semi-angry.

  "Sorry, dad!" You called out, carefree. "Anyway, do I know you guys?"

  "Be quiet Yamaguchi, she might just have the same name as Y/N, she's mi--" The tall blonde said, cutting off his words as he looked into your eyes.

  "Is something wrong?" You asked, confused.

  You were shoved behind the blonde and the green haired boys. They were much taller then you.

  "This is not your daughter." You heard, your eyes widened.

  "What the hell?!" Your father yelled.

  "You guys are delusional." You said, moving past them

  "Y/N, I know your unique eye color. The man you are calling your father murdered your family." You heard the blonde haired male say, staring right at you.

  "When you have the evidence come talk to me." You said, coldly.

  "Come on dad, let's go back home." You said. "I thought we could have fun today but nevermind, I want to go home."

  You and your dad walked home together, both annoyed and angry.

(A/N: :). Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Please tell me if there's mistakes.)

'Six years.' Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now