Final Day.

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  You sat on your couch with your brother and Kiyoko. Kiyoko had taken the day off school to be with you on your last day in Japan. You had four hours before your extended family would come to get you to take you to the airport and seven hours before your flight. It was currently 7:00 AM.

  "I don't want you to go." Kiyoko said for the 17th time.

  "I know." You muttered, looking at the many treats and snacks you made for the boys to eat when your not there to watch them practice.

  "So no one but the third years and teachers know?" Kiyoko asked, looking to you.

  "Yes." You spoke, at the unorganized pile of letters you had writen to the team.

  "My teachers were disappointed, they were excited to have you in their classes."

  "Well I'm hoping to come back." You muttered. "I'm not sure if I will anymore.

  "I hope you will." Your brother said.

  "Make sure not to destroy the house while I'm gone." You said to Keishin, trying to lighten the mood.

  "I won't, I'll run it the same way you did." He said, patting your head.

  Your phone abruptly started rapidly buzzing. It wasn't your ring tone, it was your message notifications. You were picking up your phone when it began ringing with a call. You answered without checking who it was.

  "Hello?" You asked into the phone, and heard a relieved sigh on the other end.

  "Put it on speaker." Kiyoko whispered and you did.
  "I thought you were in danger since you weren't at school and stuff." You heard Tsukishima. "Don't tell anyone but I'm glad your okay."

  "Well there's the problem." You muttered and looked at Kiyoko. "Go ahead and say hi."

  "What's up, Tsukishima?" You heard Kiyoko speak, you knew Tsukishima could hear you.

  "Did... did they hear that?" Tsukishima muttered into the phone.

  "They both did." You muttered, giggling nervously.

  "Sup, salt shaker." Your brother spoke, joking around.

  "Oh stop, that's your future brother in law." Kiyoko said, causing you to blush brightly.

  "EH!?" Your brother was clearly shocked as you blushed. "Is this true?!"

  "I'm going to have to call you back." You muttered into the phone and hung up before he could say a word.

  "You're not getting out of this that easily!" Your brother said, sometimed you hated that your brother was so protective.

  "He's not my boyfriend." You said, whining in embarrassment.

  "You wish he was, hm?" Kiyoko said.

  "I'll hit you." You threatened her and she laughed.

  "Whatever." She said, ruffling your hair.

  You checked the time. 8:39 AM. You three had been joking around for a while.

  You began talking about small memories no one would begin to notice unless they were in the moment with the time slowed down immensely.

  "You noticed that?!" Kiyoko said, laughing almost too much.

  "Yeah! And when Hinata nearly fell into the net and Kageyama didn't notice so he practically glowed from pride!" You said, smiling. "And when he nearly tripped during practice because he was jumping and running around too much, he face planted into the ground but got up so quick!"

'Six years.' Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now