Break down

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  It has been days since your movie night with Kiyoko and Tsukishima. It was a weekend and you were making breakfast.

  Keishin walked out of his room and sat on the couch. "Can you toss over the cigarettes, I left them in the kitchen."

  You noticed the pack of cigarettes and tossed them over to the couch where he was sitting. You heard a flick of a lighter and an exhale.

  You knew about Keishin's smoking habits and didn't mind it. He didn't smoke a lot around you. You knew it was bad for his health but you couldn't just make him stop.

  "So when do you plan to go back to school? Takeda keeps noticing how you're not there since he watches the team. He keeps bugging me since it's bringing down everyone's spirits." You brother said, exhaling smoke.

  "Maybe next week, I'm scared of people right now." You said as calm as you could manage.

  "Fine, also I'm going to coach the team. They're going to training camp in two weeks and they have a practice match against Nekoma." Keishin explained.

  "Ugh, Nekoma. The coach was so annoying the last time I saw him." You whined, finishing cooking breakfast.

  You prepared his plate and set it on the table for him, you then served yourself, taking off your apron and sitting down to eat. Your brother soon came to the table.

  "Thanks for cooking, Y/N. I know how bad it could be in your mind." Keishin said, catching your attention.

  "You're welcome." You said, calmly.

  You both began eating and it took you a little longer for you to eat because you had completely lost your appetite. Once you finished you looked up to see Keishin was done eating and was on his phone. You got up and took the plates to wash them.

  "Thank you for being so helpful around the house." Your brother thanked you.

  "Its nothing much. I'm used to it." You said, going to the sink.

  You turned on the faucet and began washing the dishes. The house has a comfortable quiet demeanor. The soft sounds of the faucet and the quiet music that could be heard from your brother's headphones. He liked listening to loud music through his headphones.

  You finished washing dishes and left them to dry. You went to your room and grabbed your laptop. You've been doing online work since you didn't want to go to school and you still needed to learn. You never really did it unless it was actually work instead of just reading textbooks.

  You were taking an online test and you suddenly heard tapping on your window. You looked over and saw Nishinoya.

  "Hey Y/N! Can you let me in? I saw that you weren't at school for around a week and wanted to check on you." The short boy said, muffled by your window.

  "What the hell man? Fine. I'll let you in." You sighed. All through out last year since you started watching the team play he always snuck to your house. Either to hide in your attic for no reason or just to try and annoy you, which failed.

  You opened your window and he climbed in. "What's up Y/N, you've been skipping school a lot more lately. You haven't even been going to the teams' practices." You heard the boy who was short but taller then yourself say.

  "I have my reasons. Now can you go? I'm taking a test." You said, going back to your laptop. You heard a plop and saw Nishinoya just sitting criss-cross on your floor.

  "What the hell? Don't you have Asahi to bother?" You said, making a 'shoo' motion with your hand.

  "I need you to help me convince Asahi to play volleyball again." Nishinoya said, abruptly.

'Six years.' Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now