Girl's night

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  You had just gotten home from a long stressful day of school, you had to quickly dry of and change before Kiyoko got there. The same girl poured another bottle of water on your head and no one noticed you were soaked.

  You raced to your room and grabbed you hair dryer and turned it on, letting it blow your hair as you changed into comfy clothes.

  You heard the door as you finished drying your hair and you walked downstairs to let Kiyoko in.

  "N/N!" She said excitedly and walked into your house, taking off her shoes. She has been over a lot so your used to her being comfortable and randomly coming over.

  "Hello Shimi-chan!" You said as your brother walked out of his room.

  "Kiyoko over again?" He asked as she and you nodded. "Alright, just don't be too loud today." Keishin said as he ruffled your hair and went into the kitchen.

  "Come on, I brought my make-up and nail polish." Shimizu said and brought her bag to your room as you followed.

  "You're gonna dress me up for no reason at all, huh?" You asked and she nodded.

  "You know me too well." She said and searched through your closet to see if there were any dresses. "Ugh, you need more dresses." She said, looking at your very few dresses.

  "Its not like I can't just go shopping whenever I want." You said jokingly and she pulled out her wallet.

  "We're going shopping, get ready because you need more dresses."

  "You don't need to buy me anything, don't waste your money on me." You say.

  "Too late, get ready." She said and walked out so you can get ready.

  "I guess I have no decision in the matter." You said and changed into some you thought looked at least decent. "Good enough."

  You walked out of your room to have Kiyoko pull you to the door and you both put on your shoes. Kiyoko pulled your hand to a dress shop.

  You were stumbling, trying to keep up with the excited female's pace as she pulled you with her.

  "Shimi! Slow down! I might fall!" You said, half joking half nervous.

  You both laughed as you arrived at the shop she wanted to take you too.

  "We're here!" She squealed, excited to see you in more dresses.

  "Jeez, calm down. Its just dresses." You said as she pulled you into the shop.

  She went around to find dresses you might like and would match your style.

  You saw a sundress that reminded you of the dress you wore as a child. It was the same shade of color and it would fall to your knees, just like the one you wore when you found your parents dead.

  "Shimi-chan. I think I want this one." You said, wanting it to bring back the good memories you had with your parents.

  "Really? I expected one more your personality but we can get it if you try on these." She said, holding up some long flowy dresses as well as cutesy and feminine ones.

  "Fine, I'll try them on." You said and grabbed them, walking to the dressing room

  You tried on the first one, a long flowy dark blue one. You walked out to see Kiyoko had tooken a picture.

  "You're so pretty, I might die." She said, wiping fake tears from her eyes.

  "Whatever, I'll try the next one." You say and go back into the changing room and tried on a pastel purple dress with a purple bow around the waist and you came out, not noticing that Kiyoko took another photo.

  "Why do you look so good, tell me your secrets." She joked, causing you to laugh

  "You're prettier." You said as you go to try on your next dress.

  After you tried on all your dresses you go to try on the sundress. You looked in the mirror and your vision got blurry, tears forming in your eyes.

  You walk out and Kiyoko took a picture and noticed your tears. "Y/N, what's wrong?"

  " know how I'm adopted, right?" You asked as she nodded.

  "Yeah, you told me that after I was a second year." She mentioned as you look up at her.

  "I was adopted because my parents died from a murderer." You confessed quietly as she grabbed your shoulders.

  "Hey, its okay. They'd want you to be happy whenever you can." Kiyoko stated.

  "Let's just get the dresses." You changed the subject and rubbed your eyes, wiping the tears from them.

  "Alright." She said as you went into the changing room to changed into the clothes you came in.

  You both brought the dresses to the front counter and Kiyoko payed, not caring about the price. She and you grabbed the bags and began walking back to your house.

  Kiyoko was on her phone when your phone buzzed. You opened your phone and noticed she had posted all of the pictures of you in the dresses.

  "Shimi! Why did you post that?" You yelled at her as she giggled.

  "It already has ten likes." She said as you looked away.

  "Shut up, stupid Shimi-chan!" You playfully insulted her as she laughed.

  You both arrived at your house and you opened the door with your key and let her in. You noticed your brother laying on the couch.

  "Welcome home Little Crow." He greeted you as you smiled and walked to your room with Kiyoko.

  "Ooohhh, Hinata commented and liked the post." Shimizu said as you glanced at her phone then your phone went off.

  "You @-ed me, really?" You said as you noticed the comment.

  "He thought your pretty--- HOLD UP!" She suddenly yelled and looked at her phone, wide-eyed.

  "What is it?" You asked, worried.

  "Tsukishima commented that you were cute." Kiyoko looked at you and stared.

  "I bet your lying, that guy's a jerk." You said. "He insulted Nii-chan."

  "Whatever but I'm not lying." She said and showed you the phone.

  And there it was. The comment of Tsukishima calling you cute.

(A/N: Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Let me know if there's mistakes.)

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