Forehead Kisses

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  After the long wait you had at the hospital you were finally given a month to be at home. The only person who you told about moving away is Kiyoko Shimizu who took it horribly. She broke down and cried. She's noe way more clingy to you then she has ever been to anyone.

  "Shimi, I have to go change!" You said, trying to shuffle out of her hug to change into the outfit you were given to help the boys train.

  "No, we have to spend all of our time together." She muttered, hugging you tightly.

  "Just let her change, she won't take to long." Your brother said. "Besides, he's been arrested and is getting put to the death sentence."

  "But she doesn't have much time with us." Kiyoko whisper and buried her face in your shoulder. You two were rather clingy friends and you two platonically cuddled a lot so her clinging didn't surprise you.

  "I get it but the more time you spend clinging the more you'll miss her. You two will text everyday and you both still will." Your brother said.

  You took this chance to go to the club room and change to your tracksuit. It was the same as Kiyoko's but your size. It felt a little bigger then you though, you were glad because you would take it with you.

  You came back and you were instantly engulfed by Kiyoko. You sighed and saw some of the first years walk over. 

  "Why is Kiyoko clinging to you?" Hinata asked, curiously.

  "She's just glad I'm out of the hospital." You said, fake smiling as you lied.

  "You're not telling them?" You heard Kiyoko.

  You glanced over to her, knowing that she knew the answer.

  Over the weeks you had to pretend your normal but you knew what was going on. It was currently one week before you left. Both Kiyoko and your brother has been noticeably more clingy to you. You had told the third years.

  "Y/N, when do you plan to tell everyone else?" You heard Sugawara ask, glancing at you.

  "I'm not planing to tell them. I just assumed Shimi or Nii-chan would tell them." You said, checking your texts with your cousins.

  "You won't even let them say goodbye?" You heard your upperclassmen.

  "Well I don't want them to only spend time with me because I'm leaving. I want them to be genuine and not force themselves. I'll come back anyway." You said, looking to Sugawara.

  "I understand but everyone's going to regret not spending time with you." You heard.

  "It'll be fine. Like I said, I'll come back eventually." You said, softly smiling. "Anyways. Everyone, I'm going to the vending machine, what do you guys want?" You asked everyone who was currently in the gym.

  "You can't go by yourself!" Kiyoko suddenly said, whipping her head to look at you.

  "I'll go with-" Hinata was about to speak.

  "Nope, you two need to work on your sets." Daichi said, referring to Hinata and Kageyama.

  "I'll go with her." Tsukishima said, plainly.

  "Thanks, Tsukki." You smiled. You got what everyone wanted and everyone thanked you for paying even though it wasn't necessary.

  You left the gym with Tsukishima and went to the vending machine. You hummed as you put the money into the machine and pressed the buttons for each item. The machine messed up and gave you two of an item.

'Six years.' Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now