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  You have been on edge all day. You constantly flinched at even the most simple touch and were constantly trembling from fear.

  "Y/N~chan? Are you okay?" You heard Hinata snap you from your thoughts.

  "I know we're friends but can you let go of my arm, I'm trying to eat." Hinata said, nervously.

  You hadn't noticed you were clinging to his arm, hugging it to your chest. You reluctantly let go of his arm. "S-sorry."

  "Its alright Y/N~chan, I just needed to eat." Hinata said with a smile.

  "Mhm." You hummed out, nervously.

  "Why don't you have any food?" Hinata asked.

  "I'm not hungry, I'll be fine." You say then you noticed a snack land on your lap and look up to see Tsukishima walking away.

  "Wow, he can be nice? He was such a jerk yesterday." Hinata said.

  You noticed a sticky note on the wrapper. 'I saw you name the news yesterday, text me if you want to talk about anything.' The note read along with his number under the text. You folded the sticky note and put it on your bag then ate the snack.

  The bell rang as you were half way done and you had to quickly finish the food and rushed to class.

  Once you arrived at your class and checked the time, sighing in relief. You weren't late. You went to sit in your desk as you noticed Tsukishima with his headphones on.

  You sat in your seat and tapped his desk with your pencil. "Hey." You said as he took off his headphones and rested them on his neck.

  "Hm?" He hummed, confused.

  "Thank you for the snack but you really didn't need to." You said.

  He analyzed your small form for a moment. "It was nothing, I knew you were hungry." He said, not showing any emotion.

  "But still, thank you." You said as you turned back around in your seat.

  "Whatever." He mumbled out and put his headphones back on.

  You turned around so you faced the front of the room when you suddenly felt unsafe.

  You bit your tongue to move your focus away from your feelings of discomfort. You couldn't really focus on the class but that was the least of your concerns.

  You constantly looked at the clock until the class ended, once it did you were the first one out the room.

  You ran into a girl which caused her to stumble but you were the only one who fell.

  "Who do you think you are, running into me!" She said loudly as you looked up at her.

  "I'm so sorry, I promise I didn't me---" You were about to get up as she poured her water bottle out over your head, making your hair and uniform soaked.

  "That will teach you, stupid first year." She said, dropping the empty plastic bottle on your head.

  The sound of the water bottle hitting the floor rang through your head on loop as you shivered, the water made you feel like you were freezing.

  "Tch, loser." She said and walked off, leaving you there.

  You began crying. "W...what did I do to deserve this?" You mumbled to yourself, sitting there in your self pity.

  You stood you and decided to go to the bathroom to get some of the water out of your uniform.

  "Y/N?" Hinata noticed you shivering and covered in water.

  "Huh?" You looked over and felt embarrassed having him see you, soaked with water and crying.

  "Why are you all wet?" He asked, tilting his head.

  "Someone tripped and spilled their water on me." You lied, you were a great liar so you knew he'd believe you.

  "But thats a lot of water." He said, pointing out that you were soaked, your h/c hair letting water drip onto your shirt.

  "They didn't realize they spilled their entire water bottle on me, now can I dry off?" You ask, feeling the water fall on you back.

  He nods and you continued walking to the girls bathroom.

  Once you got there you took off your top clothing and twisted it above the sink, watching the water drip out.

  You sighed, feeling embarrassed as you were only wearing your bra.

  "Why do I even have to deal with this kind of stuff. I've been having bullied since mom and dad died." You mumbled, not knowing someone was listening in.

  You put back on your top clothing and tried to dry of your hair. You grabbed paper towels and dried off as much as possible.

  "As good as I'm gonna get it." You mumbled and tied your hair up (if you have long hair, if you have short hair you left it as it is).

  You walked out from the bathroom and felt someone pull you into a hug.

  "Huh?" You said, confused.

  "Y/N~chan, you were shivering and you still are, I wanted to warm you up." You heard Hinata say (back up hoe-) as you felt his warmth on your back

  You could feel yourself feel tired and safe, knowing he'd protect you (stop-). You feel asleep in his arms. (nO-)

  "She fell asleep?" Hinata mumbled as you weren't moving. He picked you up and took your phone, realizing he didn't know your password. He guessed it and opened your phone.

  He went into your contacts and texted your brother.

Nii-chan 🤗

Is this Y/N's brother?

Yeah? Who are you?

A friend of Y/N, she fell asleep

Are you a boy?


A boyfriend?


Better stay that way unless
you want to die :)
I'll be there in a minute.


  Hinata put down your phone and looked at your sleeping form and pet your soft hair. "Her hair is so soft!" He thought and played with your hair as he waited for Keishin to come.

  "Y/N?!" Keishin yelled as he walked to find his younger sister.

  You woke up and rubbed your eyes. "Nii-chan?" You said and yawned.

  You noticed you were in Hinata's arms and instantly got out of his grip and ran towards where you heard your brother.

  "Y/N!" Keishin yelled as he saw you and pulled you in a hug and picked you up. (Good big brother.)

  "Nii-chan!" You said excitedly but sleepy.

  "How's my favorite short sister doing?" He asked, ruffling your hair.

  "Nii-chan!" You said. "I'm your only short sister!" You said in a whiny tone.

  "Haha, I know. Little crow." Keishin used your most common and your favorite nickname, making your face light up. "Lets get home so you can sleep."

  "I'm not sleepy." You protest, puffing out your cheeks.

  "What ever you say, Little Crow." Your brother said and carried you home as waved goodbye to a confused Hinata over his shoulder

(A/N: Thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed. Tell me if there's mistakes!)

'Six years.' Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now