Y/N's House.

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  You and Keishin usually slept in during the weekend... more like he did. You never really slept in general so you'd normally do cleaning around the house.

  The house was always clean because your late night habits. You usually made breakfast by 6 AM on weekdays but in weekends you went to the grocery store at 7 AM and made breakfast when you got home.

  It has become a habit for you. There were some nights where you'd sleep the night away from stress, tired from not sleeping, and over working yourself since you helped the volleyball team with managing but you weren't an official manager.

  You were up making breakfast, the calm silence of the house calming your nerves and mind. You had just finished making breakfast and setting the table when Keishin woke up.

  "Morning Nii-chan." You said as you washing the dishes you used for cooking.

  "Morning Little Crow." He mumbled and sat at the table. You were drying your hands and walking over to sit at the table.

  You and Keishin began eating. You weren't hungry but you know your brother would scold you if you over worked yourself without food.

  "So you skipped again yesterday?" He asked as you looked up.

  "I didn't feel like going." You said as a response.

  "Makes sense, I skipped a few times." Your tall brother told you this everytime you both spoke about your skipping.

  You finished your food soon after your brother and you collected the plates. You usually took care of the house for Keishin because he was constantly stressed. You didn't bother telling him about your stress so you did everything yourself.

  You washed the dishes and dried them. You went to put them away as you heard the door. You assumed it was Kiyoko so you finished putting away the dishes before answering the door.

  "Shimi, its early." You said as you opened the door, you noticed Kiyoko but with a few others. Sugawara, Hinata, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi.

  "Yeah, sorry. I was gonna come over but these three wanted to tag along and Tsukishima was dragged over by Yamaguchi." You heard her explain as you welcomed them inside.

  "Well don't just stand outside, come in. Anyone hungry or need something?" You said, welcoming them into your home.

  "No, we're fine." You heard Shimizu say as you dusted off your skirt. You were wearing the sundress she got you because it was comfortable and it brought you good memories if you ignored the murder of your parents.

  "You look nice, Y/N. Did you just come home?" You heard Hinata ask as you rubbed the back of your neck.

  "Yeah, I usually go grocery shopping every Saturday. Did I dress up a little too much?" You asked nervously.

  "Where's your confidence?" You heard Kiyoko joke with you and nudge you with her elbow.

  "Down the toilet apparently." You joked with her and you both giggled as the guys just enjoyed the sight of you both enjoying yourselves.

  "Do you guys want cookies? I made too much yesterday." You said, walking to the kitchen and getting the cookies you baked yesterday.

  "You make the best baked goods! These guys need to be blessed with your baking." Kiyoko said as you giggled.

  "Its not that good." You said as you placed some of your baked goods onto the coffee tabled as everyone sat on your couch. Everyone had more then enough room since you had a lot of seating.

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