'I'm here'

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  You stared at the ground and you listened to silence. Your head rang of the piano keys and the smiles then the horror of the crowd. That was three months ago.

  You shivered from the cold air against your nude body. You had been 'touched' by one of the cruel people who was told to check on you. You tried to free yourself by shuffling your  wrists and legs but they were tightly bound in place.

  Your wrists were tied above your head and your thighs were tied to your ankles, forcing you into an uncomfortable sitting position. You instinctively flinched as the door opened.

  "Y/N, baby." You heard and was disgusted.

  "Never call me that again." You said, glaring at the male as the door opened.

  "Listen, I'm the only person you have to save you. No one else cares about you. I'm the only person you have." He said, gripping your jaw.

  "I'd believe you if you didn't rape and kidnap me." You said. "You also drugged me so..."

  You felt his grip tighten around your jaw and you teared up from pain.

  "They don't care about you, they never did. Why don't you listen to me?" The physcopath was clearly pissed off.

  "Why don't you feed me more then once a week?" You spoke when he loosened his grip on your jaw.

  "You--" His fist was balled up and you knew he was tempted to hurt you.

  He kicked you in the stomach, you knew damn well it would bruise. You watched as he glared down at you.

  "You're lucky." You heard and were left to be alone with the silence.


  "Y/N! Oh my god she's so thin!" You woke up to a feminine voice.

  You felt the rope on your wrists and legs be removed. You felt a jacket over your shoulders and were pulled so your bare chest was pressed against someone's chest, it was a male.

  "Her body's cold and limp." You heard a masculine voice.

  "She's covered in bruises, oh god. I hope she's okay." You heard and you lifted your head.

  Today was usually the day where you were fed and it was when you were in your weakest state. You lifted your head and saw a blurry version of people you recognized.

  You felt yourself begin crying. You were a silent crier and you felt arms tightly wrap around your frail body. It hurt but you didn't care, you wanted to be around someone you trusted.

  "We should take her home." You heard Kiyoko.

  "But then she'll be alone. She pushes everyone away from her. She has a mini-fridge and a bathroom connected to her room. We'd be lucky to see her once a month." Ian said.

  "Don't you have multiple guest rooms?" Kiyoko mentioned.

  "Yeah we do but--" Tyler began but got interrupted.

  "Then let guests use them, they're there for a reason." Kiyoko harshly spoke and turned back to help comfort you.

  "O-kay." Ian nervously let out.



  "Go away." You said, hiding under your blankets.

  "Someone's here for you." The voice spoke.

  "Tell them to go away." You whimpered out.

  "It's Tsukishima." You heard.

  You went silent for a moment before muttering. "Tell him to come here."

  You heard footsteps come to your room and the door creak open then close. You instinctively flinched at the sound and you sat up.

  "Hey." The blonde said and put down his bag by your bedroom door.

  "Hey, Tsukki." You waved and stretched.

  "How are you doing?" He asked.

  "You can assume." You muttered and shrugged.

  "Yeah, I didn't really expect a positive answer." Tsukishima spoke, giving an empty laugh.

  "Mmmh come here." You muttered, making grabby hands to the blonde.

  Tsukishima came over to you and you pulled him into you, causing him to fall into you. He looked up to you and sighed.

  "It's okay, he's in prison." He spoke and cupped your face.

  "That's not anymore settling, they have so many resources to break themselves out of jail if nessicary." You muttered.

  "They won't get to you, you'll be okay." Tsukishima softly spoke.

  "We don't know that." You said, tightly hugging Tsukishima. "It's been a week, they could of broken him out already."

  "Just sleep..." You heard. "I know you haven't been sleeping well lately."

  "But what if he hurts me or even worse... you?" You asked, tearing up.

  "I'll be okay. Just sleep." Tsukishima tried to reassure your paranoid state.

  "I'm not tired." You said.

  Tsukishima sighed and flipped tue two of you around so you were the one laying on him. He laid a hand over your head and you looked up to him.

  "Hey, Tsukki?" You muttered.

  "Yeah?" He responded.

  "I'm sorry." You muttered, looking to the right.

  "Why are you sorry? You have no reason to apologize." The blonde got confused as you teared up.

  "It's my fault your so paranoid when I'm around. If I weren't such an idiot you'd be okay. I should of just died with my parents." You rambled, beginning to sob. "If I just died no one would have to deal with me and be forced to protect me from my own problems."

  "Y/N..." Tsukishima's voice was soft. "It's not your fault."

  "But it is. You have the most trauma out of the volleyball team and it's all my fault. You don't need to hang around me out of pity, you're allowed to hate me." You began to get more upset, tears filling your eyes and beginning to fall.

  "Y/N, nothing's your fault. You can't control anyone's actions. You're here, I'm here. We're not there and worrying about dying. We're okay and we're here." Tsukishima spoke, sitting up and pulling you into a tight hug.

  You began sobbing and began repeating the same apology. Just him being there for you was too much. He was wasting his time. You didn't understand why he stayed. He deserved more.

(A/N: why is my writing cringe like future me is gon beat my ass. 😃🖐 Hah, I gave Y/N more trauma, what u gon' do about it? Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.)

'Six years.' Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now