Movie Night.

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  You were laying in bed, hiding under your blankets. You had forgotten to tell your brother what happened and you didn't want anyone to know. You were shaking and still scared.

  You had tons of messages from the team asking where you were and if you were alright. You never responded to any of them. The constant buzzing of your phone got annoying but you ignored it.

  You weren't keeping track of time and your room was dark, lights off, curtains closed. Your bedroom door opened, you rubbed your eyes and tried to get adjusted to the light.

  "Okay, somethings off. You were trying to hide yesterday. You ask me to let you stay home today. Now your locking yourself in your room." Your brother said, leaning against the door frame.

  "You'll get overly protective and upset if I told you." You said, looking at the ground.

  "I'll just ask Kiyoko."

  "She doesn't know."

  "Then who does?"

  "Only one person."

  "Who is?"

  You fell silent and sighed. You removed the blanket you hid yourself under to show the marks on your neck.

  "Are those hickeys?" Keishin asked, shocked.

  You nod and felt the tears form in your eyes. "They are." You mumbled out.

  "Did... did they have your consent?" He asked, walking to sit next to your scared form.

  "No. They didn't. I was trying to walk to class and get my bags and-" Your voice cracked near the end.

  "Hey, hey. You don't need to tell me anymore. Do you know who it was."

  "No, it was a third year though." You mumbled.

  "Why does only one person know?"

  "He helped me. I didn't know how he scared off the third year but did." You mumbled.

  "Hmm... its a boy, on the team, I assume?" He asks.

  "Correct." You said, looking down.

  "Hm, I'll start coaching the team to protect you better." He said, catching your attention.

  "Really?" You ask.

  "Of course, get some rest, you need it." Keishin said, leaving your room.

  You wrapped yourself in the blanket and pulled your knees to your chest.

  "What did I do? Why is this happening to me?" You mumbled, beginning to cry.

  You honestly didn't know what you did wrong. Your life had been pain since you turned six. You let your body fall backwards, hitting the soft blankets of your bed.

  It had been a few hours since your conversation with Keishin and you heard the front door open. You assumed it was your brother leaving the house so you ignored it. Your bedroom door opened and you ignored it, facing away from the door.

  "Y/N?" You heard Kiyoko say as you sat up from where you were previously laying.

  "Shimi? What are you doing here?" You asked, rubbing your eyes.

  "You weren't at school so I got worried. What happened?"

  "Its nothing to worry about."

  "It certainly is." You heard Tsukishima say.

  "I had to deal with Nishinoya sneaking into my attic last year. Do I need to deal with you two sneaking into my house this year?" You ask, changing the topic away from your problems.

'Six years.' Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now