Gojo Satoru

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Gojo and his students were on a mission to find one of the fingers of Sukuna. Itadori and Kugisaki were talking to Fushiguro about useless information. Gojo was amused but their little discussion, it seemed that Fushiguro didn't care one bit. Fushiguro looked more annoyed then anything, Gojo just gave small smile. The group was currently in a forest just a little ways away from Tokyo.

"Sensei are we getting close to our destination?" Fushiguro asked as he looked at his teacher.Gojo looked down at him.

"Yeah, we'll be there in no time. So relax and enjoy the sights~." Gojo answered with one of his silly grins. Fushiguro gave him a small eye roll in response to his teacher's childish behavior.

"Hey Gojo Sensei, do you know what grade this curse is?" Itadori asked, Gojo thought about it for a second then smiled at Itadori. He then decided to give Itadori a useless answer for the fun of it.

"Mmm....nope!" Gojo replied with a silly shrug.

"What?! How do you not know?!" Kugisaki asked angered, Gojo just gave her a not so innocent smile. As they continued to walk Gojo looked at their surroundings, things seemed normal.

"Hey Itadori." Fushiguro said, catching Itadori's attention.

"Yeah? What is it?" Itadori replied.

"Are you sensing anything?" Fushiguro asked, Itadori shook his head in response.

"Ugh, why is this taking so long?!" Kugisaki grumbled. Fushiguro gave her an eye roll, to her angered state.

(Cue music)

As they walked there was a sudden eruption of fire that spread around the group, it kept them from escaping. As the flames grew higher, Gojo's aurora changed completely. He grew more serious, he had sense a powerful presence.

"Hey! What the hell is happening?!" Itadori asked as he clenched his hands in to fists.

"Not sure, this could be the act of a cursed spirit. Sensei, what do you think?" Fushirguro replied as he made a hand sign, Kagisaki pulled out her hammer and nails and got into a fighting position. But before Gojo could respond or remove his mask a small strange looking meteor crashed into Gojo. Gojo put his hands in to a defensive position but it was in vain. The others stood there in shock then ran towards the explosion.

"Sensei!" They shouted as they got closer to the crash sight. As the smoke cleared they saw that Gojo was no where to be found.

"Tch, where is he?!" Fushiguro shouted, the flames soon disappeared. After they disappeared a figure hooded and cloaked came in to sight. He had wide grin on his face, Itadori looked at the man with anger evident in his eyes.

""Where is Gojo Sensei?!" Itadori demanded, the figure gave out a laugh. The figure then disappeared, the group stood there in shock and confusion.

*Moments later*

As Gojo removed his hands from a defensive position, he saw that he was in a completely different place. Kugisaki, Fushiguro, and Itadori were no where to be found.

"That's strange, where am I?" Gojo said as he walked around the new forest. As he walked he thought he heard some of the trees ruffling, Gojo looked up towards the tree tops with a raised brow. He shook off the feeling then kept walking.

'This isn't a dimension technique, it's too big and there isn't a source. Not only that I don't recognize anything here, where could I be?' Gojo thought to himself. As Gojo walked he felt like someone was following and for some reason he couldn't shake the feeling off. Gojo stopped walking and took another look around, the rustling of the trees grew louder. Gojo was ready for an ambush attack, instead three people had surrounded him.

"Who are you?" One questioned, Gojo was surprised by their appearances. A man with silver hair had a mask covering his mouth and his head band covered one eye. There was a blond boy with brightly colored clothing, and a man with a what looked like a metal mask that followed his jaw line.

"Answer the question, who are you?" The blond boy interjected.

"My name? It's Gojo Satoru, now what bout you guys? What are your names?" Gojo said with a friendly smile and salute.

"Eh? Why do you care?" The metal masked one asked.

"Oh, come on, it's hard to talk to people when you don't know their names." Gojo smiled. The men lowered their weapons and looked at each other. The silver haired man was the first to speak.

"I'm Kakashi Hatake, the one with blond hair is Naruto, and last but not least is Yamato." Kakashi answered.

"Nice to meet you all, now if you don't mind. Can you tell me where I am?" Gojo asked.

"Your on the boundary line of the Hidden Leaf Village, why are you here?" Yamato asked sternly.

"Ooh, I'm hungry...can we talk about this after we eat? Haha, I'm kidding, I'm not sure why I am here. The last thing I remember is being ambushed by a hooded man, there was a bright flash of light. When I opened my eyes I was here, in the middle of the forest." Gojo answered, Naruto looked at Gojo with curiosity visible in his eyes.

"What are you saying? You just magically showed up here?" Yamato asked, Gojo looked him with confusion. Gojo then gave Yamato a nod.

"Basically, yes, but I need to get back. My students are in danger, especially Itadori." Gojo explained, after his explanation his stomach rumbled quite loudly.

"Hmm, you seem to be telling the truth, to me at least. Let's get some food and talk more!" Naruto said excitedly. Gojo gave him silly,yet excited grin, while Kakashi and Yamato gave out a sigh. 'Why does he trust people like this so easily?' Kakashi thought.

"Great, what food do you have around here?" Gojo asked.

"We have super good ramen! It's the best ramen around!" Naruto smiled.

"Alright let's go, but after we are done eating I'm sure the Hokage would like to have a word with you." Kakashi said with a sigh.

"What's a Hokage? Is that like your superior?" Gojo asked. Kakashi just gave him a nod, after their conversation Naruto took them to Ichiraku's ramen restaurant.

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