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As Gojo warily woke up, he looked at his new surroundings. He found himself in a cell, his wrists were chained. Gojo's head throbbed as he looked around the dark cell. 'Those Akatsuki must have brought me here. I don't feel like myself....I feel...weak. I need to get out of here my current state, I don't think that's going to be an option at the moment.' Gojo thought to himself as he slightly winced in pain. As Gojo sat there, he started to hear foot steps getting closer to his cell.

Gojo lazily looked up with a emotionless expression on his face. Two of the Akatsuki members walked up to Gojo with a hooded man, who walked in front of them. As they stopped in front of Gojo's cell, Gojo glared at them.

"So, your Gojo Satoru? Tch, you don't look like much, sitting there with blood all over your face." The man said as he looked at Gojo. Gojo sensed a familiar, yet strange energy from the man in front of him.

"Your a cursed spirit aren't you?" Gojo growled softly as he looked at the man.

"Half spirit, to be precise. Which brings me to the reason why I wanted you here. I want information on the vessel of Sukuna, you see Sukuna is a old friend of mine." The man smirked, Gojo's eyes widened slightly. The half spirit took off his hood, he had harsh silver eyes. His raven hair was in a lower ponytail and he had markings that were quite different compared to Sukuna's.

"Just who are you?!" Gojo snarled, the man let out a chuckle.

"Oh, forgive me, my name is Akuma Zankoku. A former ally and friend of Sukuna." Akuma answered, Gojo sat there shocked and confused. The half spirit let out a chuckle at Gojo's reaction.

"Haha, I like the reaction. But In all seriousness, I want you to give me the information I desire. If I have to get it by force....I won't hesitate, your life means nothing to me. But killing you would ruin my plans, you can't get information from a dead body now can you?" Akuma smirked as he walked in Gojo's cell. Gojo glared harshly at the half spirit, Akuma kneeled at Gojo's level and glared right back.

"Gojo Satoru, I will get the information I want and you are going to tell me what I want to know." Akuma growled. Gojo's expression turned to an angry one.

"...Then I guess you'll have to break me first." Gojo snarled, the half spirit frowned but that frown soon turned into a wide evil grin.

"Ahaha, fine by me! Gojo Satoru, your about to experience a hell like none you've experienced before." Akuma said as he pointed his hand as Gojo's face. Gojo's eyes widened slightly, his screams of pain filled the halls of the Akatsuki's hide out. Some of the members turned their attention to the screams but brushed it off.

Gojo had never experienced pain like this, this half spirit was very different from normal cursed spirits. His cursed techniques were unknown and he was every bit as powerful if not more than all of Sukuna's fingers combined.

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