Deep trouble pt1

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"SHIT!" Naruto shouted as he flew back from the attack from Akuma. The half spirit stood there with his evil smirk still on his face.

"Tch, Itadori stay close!" Gojo growled as he glared at Akuma. Akuma walked towards the group with a cold expression that replaced his smirk.

"Oh please, you all know you won't be able to protect the brat. Whats more is that you decided to come here to try and contain me. A grave mistake, one I'm sure you'll try to repeat." Akuma sneered, as he sent another blast from his palm. Itadori and Kakashi flew backwards towards Naruto. Gojo used his ability to block the attack.

"Ugh, damn that hurt. What the hell is this dude?!" Naruto exclaimed with frustration.

"He's half cursed, spirit half human. We still don't know the full strength of his power." Kakashi growled as he lifted up his head band.

"Great, just great." Naruto replied as he cracked his knuckles. Itadori got into a fighting pose too, Kakashi put and arm in from of the salmon haired boy.

"Itadori stay here with Naruto. Your the one whose most in danger, stay with Naruto." Kakashi instructed as he glared at Akuma.

"Alright but if push comes to shove I'm going to fight." Itadori replied. Kakashi walked up to Gojo with a kunai in hand. Gojo's blindfold was down and Kakashi could see the anger in Gojo's eyes.

"Tch, get out of my way Satoru. I won't ask a second time." Akuma snarled.

"No, you won't." Gojo growled.

"Oh, did you forget that your limitless ability is useless against me? No matter the sooner you die the better." Akuma sneered as he sent another blast from his palm. Gojo's eyes glowed with anger as he block the attack easily. Akuma glanced at Kakashi then brought his attention back to Gojo.

As Kakashi and Gojo readied themselves, Akuma thrusted towards them with great speed. Kakshi had a harder time blocking the powerful attack. Gojo realized his ability was once again compromised.

Gojo ignored and used his cursed techniques to help him in the fight. Some were block and some landed a direct hit. kakashi managed to get a few hits in before Akuma used his claw like fingernails to swipe Kakahi away. Kakashi landed harshly on the ground, Gojo looked back at his friend in concern.

"Tch, not even a challenge. Your friend is we-" Akuma was cut off by a chidori to the back. The half spirit stubbled forward but laughed it off as he grabbed Kakashi's arm and threw him agains a pillar. Kakashi in pain as his back hit the pillar hard. Gojo retaliated by using his domain expansion ability. Akuma looked at Gojo amused, to which Hijo gave slightly wide eyed expression.

"A domain expansion? You must be really desperate Satoru." Akuma smirked.

"Who said I was desperate?" Gojo replied, Akuma gave the man a slightly confused expression.

"What is this? What are playing at?" Akuma demanded. Gojo gave his signature smirk as he formed hallow. The blast sent Akuma flying backwards further into the domain. Gojo walked towards the spirit slowly with caution.

"Haha, I must say that was well played. But you've left your self vulnerable, no one else is here to save you." Akuma snarled, Gojo said nothing as Kakashi appeared beside him. Akuma shot them a hateful glare, Kakashi formed a justu while Gojo prepared a cursed technique. Both launched them selves at Akuma with no mercy in their eyes.

Akuma blocked one attack but was hit with another. The half spirit let out a help of pain, as he staggered to the ground. Akuma then looked up at the two with a sinister smile.

"What's with the look?" Gojo snarled, Kakashi glared at the half spirit before them.

"You fools." Akuma said a he disappeared, both men's eyes widened with fear. The domain vanished as they turned their attention to Naruto and Itadori. Naruto was on the ground unconscious while Itadori was held by the neck in Akuma's grip.

"What will you do now?" Akuma sneered with a wicked smirk.

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