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It wasn't long before Gojo had been discharged from the hospital. Once Gojo was out, he headed straight for the Ichiraku Ramen restaurant. He was starving and he was very excited to eat 'real' food. Naruto and the others came to join Gojo for lunch, after all it was kind of a celebration that Gojo was out of the hospital.

"Ah, the ramen is soo gooood!" Gojo said cheerfully as he ate the ramen.

"Ehehe, I know right?" Naruto said with a smile.

"Mhm, oh, Itadori, you haven't had any of this have you?" Gojo asked as he looked at his student.

"Nope, it does look good though." Itadori replied with a small smile.

"Ooh, then you should try it!! It's truly a delicacy!" Gojo answered with a silly smile. Kakashi looked at the food then to Gojo. Kakashi was amused by Gojo's childish behavior, he never knew a person could like ramen so much but then  again Naruto was the same when it came to the food.

"Okay, I try a bowl then." Itadori replied with a bright smile.

"Say, Kakashi aren't you going to have any?" Gojo asked as he took a bit from the bowl. Kakashi looked up from his book and gave a small smile.

"No, I'm not hungry at the moment. By the way, we need to stop by Lady Tsunade's office when your all done eating." Kakashi replied as he looked back down at his book.

"Why does she want to see us?" Gojo said as he looked at Kakashi.

"I donno. Oh, here's your blindfold, Naruto cleaned it for you." Kakashi replied as he handed Gojo his head band.

"Thanks, that's much better." Gojo said as he put on his blindfold. Gojo put the sun glasses in his pocket then finished eating his ramen.

"Man, that was delicious!" Itadori exclaimed as he put his bowl down. 

"I know! This is the best ramen shop in town!" Naruto agreed, Itadori gave the blond boy a big smile. Once the ramen was paid for, everyone got up and headed towards the Hokage's office. Gojo walked like he didn't have a care in the world, because he didn't. Kakashi and Gojo had a conversation while Naruto and Itadori had their own.

"Hey, sooo do you know why Tsunade wants to see us?" Gojo asked with curiosity.

"I'm going to assume, it's about the Akatsuki and Akuma. Why do you ask?" Kakashi replied as he put up his book.

"Eh, you could call it a hunch. I have a feeling something very intriguing is about to happen." Gojo said with a smirk.

"You could be right." Kakashi replied.

"Say, haven't you finished that book yet? Or do you just keep rereading it?" Gojo said with a smile.

"Bit of both, I'm waiting for the newest volume to come out. But then again I enjoy these books so much that I can't help but read them over and over again." Kakashi answered.

"Ah, gotcha." Gojo said with a smile.

"Hmm, looks like we are here. Remember, I have no idea why she called for us. Be prepared for anything I guess." Kakashi said as they had entered the building.

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