The Temple Of Prisoners

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"So the temple....did they ever give it a name? Or is it literally just called 'The Temple'?" Itadori asked as he looked around.

"According to this scroll, it was originally called The Temple Of Prisoners." Kakashi replied as he looked at the scroll.

"Oh very mysterious." Gojo said with a silly smile. Kakahi rolled his eyes then looked back at the scroll.

"What I don't get is how the Akatsuki found out about the temple." Naruto said with a sigh.

"I'm not sure about that either but at the moment we have more pressing issues." Kakashi as he glanced at Naruto.

"Yeah but I've got a feeling that this place is going to be trouble." Itadori replied. Kakashi gave a hum in response as he glanced at the scroll again. Gojo was in his own little world while Naruto gave out a yawn. It wasn't long before they had reached the ancient temple ruins.

"So this is the place? Bigger then I thought it'd be." Naruto said as looked at the temple.

"Yeah, it's big alright." Kakashi replied as they entered the ancient temple.

Once they were inside everyone gave a small surprised look. The temple was of course in ruins but what they saw was more then the temple falling to the flow of time. The temple was in shambles on the inside from Akuma's escape. As they looked around Itadori noticed a room with a large collection of books, as he went to into the old room his expression went to slight shock and amazement. There were so many old books beyond counting that were scattered everywhere.

But what caught his eye was an old tome with a picture of a man on his knees. The man had chains all over his wrists, neck, and feet; the man looked angry too. Itadori picked up the tome with curiosity, before he opened it the others joined him quiet quickly.

"What'd you find?" Gojo said scaring the boy slightly.

"Ahh! Oh, uh, it looks like an old tome, but it a has a picture of a rather angry dude." Itadori replied as he pointed to the cover.

"Hey, isn't that Akuma?" Naruto asked as he looked at the cover with raised brow.

"Sure looks like him. " Gojo replied with a hand on his chin.

"Let's keep moving, Itadori keep that book in hand. I have a hunch we'll need it." Kakashi answered.

"You always seem to have a hunch." Naruto replied with a bored expression. Kakashi brushed off the boy's comment and kept moving.

"Ugh, man this is boring." Gojo said with a yawn.

"Are you saying you'd rather be fighting or eating ramen?" Kakashi replied in a smart ass tone.

"It varies from moment to moment." Gojo replied.

"Knowing you, I'm sure that's the case." Kakashi answered.

"You never know." Gojo said with a silly smile still on his face.

"Hey guys, anyone else feel like something is seriously wrong with this place. It's giving me the creeps." Naruto grumbled as he looked around the hall.

"I know how you feel." Itadori said with a hint of fear. As they walked through the temple, the creepy feeling grew. Gojo and Kakshi however didn't seem fazed by the place. Soon they had reached the center of the temple, debris was everywhere old pullers were broken on the temple floor. Some shattered to piece while other were cracked in half. A skylight lit the center of an old circle in the middle of the pillars.

""This must be where Akuma was held." Gojo said as he looked at the broken pillars.

"Seems that way, spread out and be careful. We don't know what could be lurking in the dark." Kakashi said as he walked towards the center.

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