Good byes

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As they reached the their destination Gojo stood next to his student as they waited for Akuma to open a portal to their world. Kakashi looked at his friend with a slightly sad expression, he then walked over to Gojo with something in his hand.

"Hm?" Gojo Hummed in response. Kakashi held out a kunai and a ninja head band. Gojo and Itadori's eyes widened at this.

"It's a gift from Kakashi and I, so you remember us when your back home. You didn't think we'd let you leave with out a good bye gift did you?" Naruto said with a sad smile. Itadori felt some tears fall down his face, while Gojo gave Kakashi a sympathetic expression.

"We'll keep them safe." Gojo said as he took the gift from Kakashi's hand. Itadori gave Naruto a hug then gave Naruto a button from his uniform.

"Here from one close friend to another." Itadori said with a smile. Naruto took the button carefully then held on to it with a smile.

"We just giving each other things now? Alright I'll do the same then." Gojo said as he took off his blindfold and handed it to Kakashi.

"I know it's not as cool as those gift but it's something. " Gojo said with a bright smile. Kakshi took the head band with a great full expression.

"Oi, Akuma!" Gojo shouted as he looked at the half spirit who stood next to the portal.

"What?" Akuma replied.

"Try not to kill anyone or become a bigger jack ass then what you already are!" Gojo said in a smart ass manner.

"Damn Gojo that was cold." Naruto and Itadori said  in unison.

"Oh, eat shit and die you asshole!" Akuma shouted as he flipped Gojo off. Gojo let out a laugh in response to the half spirit's behavior.

"Oh that reminds me, are the Akatsuki going to be a bigger problem now when we are gone?" Itadori said with concern.

"Not anymore then they usually are." Kakashi replied calmly.

"That's good I was worried for a second. Hey Naruto you better kick their asses for us alright ?" Itadori said with a big toothy smile.

"You got it!" Naruto replied with a thumbs up.

"Alright you two it's time." Tsunade said as she approached the two.

"Right, come on Itadori let's go home." Gojo said as he walked over to the portal with Itadori following. As they reached the entrance rod the portal Gojo looked back at Kakashi with a sad smile. Kakashi looked at his friend with sad yet happy expression.Gojo smiled slightly then turned back to the portal and walked through as everyone said their good byes.

Once they were through the portal it collapsed behind them and vanished, as they turned forward they saw that they were in the same forest  as before. The two walked back to their campus and then were greeted by fellow sorcers and students. Itadori was happy to see his friends but he also was happy he was able to meet Naruto.

When Itadori was in his room alone he took Naruto's head band and put it on a safe spot on top of  his dresser where he could see it. As for Gojo, he had hung Kakashi's kunai next to his mirror. Where he could see it every morning and remember his friends and what they have done together. This was truly the best experience of his life.

-The End-

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