A Test Of Trust If You Will

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As Gojo and Kakashi walked to the Hokage's estate, Gojo could help but want to read Kakahi's book. What was Make Out Paradise about, it honestly grasped Gojo's interest. It wasn't long before they had arrived at the Hokage's estate, Kakashi put his book away then turned to Gojo.

"So, before we go in, I'd like to ask you a question." Kakashi stated, Gojo looked at Kakashi with a smirk.

"My friend! I thought you trusted me, oh well, what is your question." Gojo replied, Kakashi let out a sigh.

"Did anything or anyone follow you, when you came here?" Kakashi asked with a nonchalant expression; as if he was expecting Gojo to give a ridiculous answer.Gojo put a hand on his chin and thought about for a while he then looked at Kakashi.

"Not that I am aware of, I don't or didn't sense any curse presence or energy. I think your village is safe." Gojo answered seriously, Kakashi was surprise by how fast Gojo's behavior changes when he got serious. It kinda reminded Kakashi of himself.

"Good, come on, and what ever you do; for the love of God don't insult the Hokage." Kakashi warned as they entered the estate.

"Why's that?"

"Lady Tsunade, is very touchy when it comes to insults." Kakashi said as they entered Tsunade's office. Tsunade looked at the two men before her with a very serious expression.

"So, this is the guy? Yamato gave me the report on him. What's your name again?" Tsunade stated as she crossed her arms.

"I'm Gojo Satoru." Gojo answered.

"Hmm, So you claim to be from a different land or whatever. Where exactly are are you from?" Tsunade asked, Kakashi kept quiet as he listened to what the Hokage had to say.

"I'm from the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. I'm a special grade sorcerer and I'm a teacher there." Gojo explained.

"Where is that at?" Tsunade asked.

"It's in Shinagawa, Tokyo , Japan. Since you don't know where that's at I'm going to assume that I am in another world or something." Gojo said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean, another world?" Kakashi asked as he looked at Gojo

"Well, it seems that where I'm from and here are totally different time lines and ways of life. Your way of life is ninja stuff and mine is defending people from curses." Gojo replied.

"Interesting, but how do we know we can trust you?" Tsunade said as the leaned back in her chair.

"For one, Kakashi and Naruto are my friends~; and another is that I have done no harm to any of your comrades nor do I intend to inflict harm on anyone."

"I don't recall ever calling you my friend." Kakashi mumbled.

"Hmm, I want to believe you. But I think I need a little more then an explanation." Tsunade interjected.

"What are you thinking?" Kakashi asked with a raised brow.

"I want you to take him on your next mission. You could call a test of trust if you will." Tsunade said as she stood up from her chair.

"Alright." Kakashi responded bluntly.

"Kakashi will give you details once your off, good luck." Tsunade said as she dismissed them. Once they were out of the Hokage's estate Gojo let out a arrogant sigh.

"A test of trust huh? I know I'll pass that easily." Gojo smiled.

"Ya think so huh?" Kakashi replied as he started to read his book again.

"I know so, but since Miss.Tsunade wants me to do it then I will." Gojo answered. After an hour or so later Kakashi and Gojo left for their mission, however Kakashi had to travel a little differently since Gojo wasn't a ninja. It wasn't long before they reached their destination, Kakashi and Gojo hid behind a tree and looked at their targets.

"Be careful, I'm sure they have more members scouting." Kakashi warned, Gojo gave him a silent nod.

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