Tsunade's Final Decision

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"So he defeated most of the targets in one fell swoop? That's  very impressive, Kakashi would you say this man is trustworthy?" Tsunade asked.

"Yes, he has proven himself to be a trust worthy ally. In fact he's very strong, he seems to care a great deal for his students and friends." Kakashi stated, Tsunade gave out a hum then looked at Gojo.

"Alright I have decided, Gojo Satoru, I officially name you an ally to the Hidden Leaf Village. We will provide you with a place to stay while you're here and I will be assigning you to be a partner with Kakashi." Tsunade instructed as she glanced at Kakashi.

"These are the terms for you staying here, do you agree with them?" Tsunade asked.

"Yup, I agree with them." Gojo answered nonchalantly.

"Good, dismissed." Tsunade replied as she went back to her paper work. Once Gojo and Kakashi left Tsunade's office, Kakashi took Gojo to the train ground where Naruto and Yamato were at. Kakashi read he book as they walked, it wasn't long before they had arrived at the training sight. It seemed that Yamato and Naruto were already at work but they stopped when they saw Gojo and Kakashi walking towards them.

"Hey, Kakashi Sensei! Mr. Satoru!" Naruto said happily as he waved at them. Gojo waved back at Naruto with a friendly smile.

"Hey Naruto, how's it going?" Gojo asked nonchalantly.

"It's going decent I guess, oh Kakashi Sensei! I think I'm ready to tackle another task, I've already split the leaves in half!" Naruto said proudly.

"Alright that's good to hear, now you can start by working on that water fall." Kakashi said with a smile. Naruto gave him a dumbfounded expression, even Gojo looked a little surprised.

"T-The water fall?!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Or you could spare against Gojo and take a break from exerting so much chakra." Kakashi said as he glanced at Gojo. Naruto looked at Kakashi then to Gojo then back to Kakashi.

"Wha-him?!" Naruto asked with another surprised expression.

"Yup." Kakashi answered, Naruto thought about it for a second then looked at Kakashi with a determined smile on his face.

"I want to try and take Mr.Satoru down." Naruto said with a smile still on his face. Gojo looked at Naruto with a smirk on his face, Gojo then started to stretch.

"Alright, let's see how long you last." Gojo said as he finished stretching, with a smirk still on his face.

"Ha, bring it on!" Naruto smiled, Kakashi looked at the situation with a small smile. 'This will be a good test of Naruto's skills, it seems Gojo is looking forward to this as well. I think it will be good for both of them, this also provides me a good chance to see how Gojo fights.' Kakashi thought to himself as he sat on the ground. Yamato got into his position so he could keep an eye on Naruto's chakra usage. Once Gojo and Naruto got into position they waited for Kakashi's signal

"Go!" Kakashi's said as he clapped his hands together. Gojo stood still as Naruto charged at him, Naruto then used his shadow clone justu. Gojo then gave Naruto a supervised smile, indeed that justu was useful. It was a little difficult to tell which Naruto was real but Gojo figured it out quickly. None of Naruto's clones could reach Gojo because of his infinity shielding. Gojo saw the really Naruto then proceeded to land a powerful blow to Naruto's gut.

Naruto fell on the ground but soon stood back up to face Gojo again. Naruto attack with everything he had, while Gojo stood there with a smile on his face. As he ended the fight, Naruto laid on the ground wheezing. Gojo held out his hand to help Naruto up, to which Naruto smiled and took his hand. Kakashi sat there surprised that the duel ended that quickly, while Yamato had wide eyes staring at Gojo. 'How did he do that?! It looked like he wasn't even trying!'Yamato thought as he stopped using his justu.

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