Unexpected turn of events

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As the boys entered the office everyone froze with shock and anger. Kakashi and Naruto pulled out their Kunai's while Gojo and Itadori prepared their cursed techniques. The boys had anger and shock written on their faces. The Akatsuki looked at the boys with seriousness and amusement.

"Stand down! They aren't here for a fight." Tsunade said as she stood up.

"But Grandma Tsunade, those people are-" Naruto was cut off by Tsunade.

"I know who they are, but like I said they aren't here to fight." Tsunade said with seriousness.

"Then why are they here?" Kakashi growled softly as he glared at the two members.

"For a temporary truce...they want to help us defeat Akuma." Tsunade answered.

"Tch, what do they have to gain from defeating him?!Why in the hell do you think they are trust worthy?!"Gojo growled, Itadori looked at his teacher with some concern in his eyes.

"Tell them." Tsunade growled as she glared at them.

"Akuma has been using us, Tobi didn't like it. So I vouched that we come here and defeat him together." Tobi replied.

"Yes, we had thought that he would help us after we helped him. As a mutual form of interest, but I happened to over hear his conversation to himself. He plans to kill us after he gets the pink hair kid." Itachi replied as he glanced at Itadori. Gojo glared deathly at the Akatsuki, as did Kakashi and Naruto while Itadori stood there slight confused as to what was going on.

"Yes, yes, it was quite upsetting to hear what he had planned to to to us. Which is why we thought a truce could benefit both of us...once Aluma is defeated...well the it's back to being at each other's throats again." Tobi replied.

"All of your little buddies agree to this?" Naruto snarled, Itachi gave a nod.

"Tch, you expect us to believe you just like that?!" Kakashi growled.

"That's enough both of you, they have already told me that they don't want anything in return. Which is hard to believe sense you all don't keep your word." Tsunade replied as he gave a glare at the members.

"Both sides have nothing to lose from this truce, our mutual interest is what brought us here. We all promise to keep our word, sense we know each other very well. We will keep the other members in line, as long as your shinobi don't attack us." Tobi interjected. Tsunade turned to the others then looked back at the two Akatsuki.

"Let me talk to them." She said as he turned her attention to the ninja and sorcerers before her.

"You can't be serious about this Grandma Tsunade!" Naruto whisper shouted.

"We don't have much of a choice." Tsunade replied.

"There's always a choice...but what do you think is right thing to do here?" Kakashi said as he and Naruto hesitantly put their Kunai away. Gojo and Itadori dropped their stances and stood more relaxed but on guard.

"I don't like the situation anymore then you all do. But I think a temporary truce with them might be the best option, they can give us inside information about Akuma's plans. It might be our best bet and like the masked guy said, once it's over we are back to enemies." Tsunade answered.

"I don't like this but I trust in your decision, if decide to do this then I will listen to your plan." Gojo hesitantly agreed.

"Same here." Kakashi replied as the rest of them gave a nod. Tsunade gave a nod then looked back as the Akatsuki who stood there patiently waiting.

"Have you made your decision Miss Hokage?" Tobi asked.

"Yes, we will accept this truce as long as you hold up your end."Tsunade answered with authority.

"You have our word, we will send word to the others. We will work out the final details later, we need to get back before Akuma suspects anything. We will be back later." Itachi said as he and Tobi vanished from sight.

"Teaming up with the Akatsuki is a big risk Lady Tsunade, I hope your prepared for betrayal at the end of all this." Gojo said as he leaned against a wall.

"We will be, and with your help we'll put an end to this." Tsunade said giving Gojo a slight smile. Gojo gave out a small chuckle then gave her a smirk.

"Well then we better get to work, there's a half spirit we have to take down." Gojo said as he gave a silly smile.

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