Ancient Secrets

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As everyone walked further into the a dark and uneasy feeling washed over them all. This room was dark and felt like it was filled with vile intentions.

"What happened here?" Itadori asked as he looked at the bodies and rubble.

"You mean besides Akuma's escape?" Naruto replied.

"Yeah, this place is just a little unnerving." Itadori answered.

"We'll find out soon enough." Kakashi said as he walked forward. As the group search, Gojo found a journal on one of the mummified bodies. Gojo picked it up and looked at what it said inside. His eyes widened slightly, he then read the text aloud.

"As ordered, we have restrained this monster. For how long I am unsure, my superiors have decided to keep this monster here. He says it's unworthy of good treatment, he and his underlings have tortured the thing to get answers. I know as well as anyone that torturing doesn't solve issues, for days I have watched them brutally beat the thing."

"Each time I see the monster's eyes grow cold with more hate and a thirst for blood. Who could blame it, even so a small part of me felt bad but I knew that I couldn't grow sympathy for the monster that destroyed the villages. This beast is indeed dangerous perhaps it does deserve this punishment for its crimes. " Gojo stopped reading and looked up at the others.

"So, the ancient ninja of old found him after several villages were destroyed. Then decided to torture him, nothing good ever comes from that." Kakashi said as he walked up to Gojo.

"Does it say any thing else?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, I'll read it now. It has been a year or two now since the creature's capture, the creature seems to have accepted its fate. I spoke with it today alone. I was very surprised by the responses I got from the questions I had asked. When we spoke I saw rage in the creatures eyes, it claimed that it would soon escape and kill everyone."

"I feared it may be right. It had been a few weeks since I had spoke to it, the temple shook violently. Screams were heard everywhere, I knew it had escaped. And that I was next to die, let the gods forgive my sins." Gojo said as he finished reading the journal.For a while everyone was silent, as they processed what was just said.

"Shiit, sounds like he was just toying with them." Itadori replied with a frown.

"But the Akasuki said he had help." Naruto said with a raised brow.

"That archive could have been wrong...for right now let's get those chains and get out of here." Kakashi replied with a serious tone.

"Yeah let's g-" Naruto was cut off by a voice.

"Leaving so soon? No one comes into this temple and leaves alive." The voice taunted.

"Tch, who's there?!" Gojo growled softly.

"Now, now if I showed myself right away that would ruin the fun. Honestly I expected the Akasuki to betray me, know who I am yet? ....Gojo Satoru, your limitless ability can't save you from me." The voice sneered.

"Akuma Zankoku." Gojo snarled angrily.

"What where?!" Naruto shouted. Akuma revealed himself sitting on a broken pillar.

"Ah, and you must be Itadori." Akuma smiled wickedly.

"Naruto stay close to Itadori! Protect him with your life!" Kakashi shouted as he pulled out his kunai.

"Must you be difficult? Now that your here you know of what those bastards  did to me. Sad isn't it? You should have heard their screams, it was quite entertaining." Akuma replied with a smirk. Gojo glared daggers at the half spirit. Akuma stood up and looked down at the group with his smirk still on his face.

"But it matters not, I think our little game ends here." Akuma snarled as he pushed a shock wave from his palm.

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