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As Gojo awakened, he sat up and looked at his surroundings. Gojo gave out a sigh as he looked at his bandages, he then turned his attention to the door of the room. The doctor entered the room with a small smile on his face while Gojo grabbed the black sun glasses on the inn table next to him. The doctor walked up to Gojo with his clipboard in hand.

"Good morning Mr.Satoru, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked kindly.

"A bit better." Gojo replied as he put on his sun glasses.

"Ah, that's good." The doctor said with a smile as he marked a paper on his clipboard. Gojo looked at the man then to the window.

"How long am I gonna be cooped up here?" Gojo asked as he looked back at the doctor.

"A few days at least, we should have your injuries completely healed by then." The doctor answered, Gojo gave the man a nod.

"Oh that reminds me, your friends will be here to visit you at noon. In the mean time try to get some more rest." The doctor said as he left the room. Gojo rolled his eyes in response. After a few boring hours of being by himself, his friends finally came to visit him. Naruto and Itadori ran to Gojo's side bombarding him with questions. Gojo gave a smile at the two boys in front of him. Kakashi walked in the room then sat down on a chair and began to read his book.

"Gojo-Sensei, how are you feeling?! Are you okay?!" Itadori asked with a slightly raised voice.

"I'm alright." Gojo replied with his smile back on his face.

"That's great! Man, we've been very worried!" Naruto said with a big smile.

"Well, you don't have to worry about me any more. What's important now is stopping Akuma." Gojo said as gave serious expression. Naruto and Itadori let out a small groan in response, to which Gojo and Kakashi gave them a confused look.

"Man, why do we have to talk about him all the time? I know Akuma's a big threat but man, he's boring to talk about.." Naruto said with a sigh.

"I understand your frustration Naruto but we need to stop that man before he gets his hands on Itadori. Gojo do you remember anything else while you were imprisoned?" Kakashi replied as he closed his book.

"Only bits and pieces. But it's all a blur at the moment." Gojo replied as he looked up at Kakashi.

"That's okay, from what I've seen from the Akatsuki; they seemed like they were being used by Akuma. Like they were just following his orders." Kakashi said as he crossed his arms.

"But what's in it for them?" Itadori asked.

"If I had to guess, it would mean that they thought they would be able to take Naruto captive." Kakashi explained.

"What do you mean? Why would they want Naruto?" Gojo asked as he glanced at Naruto.

"They want the tailed beast sealed inside Naruto. For what purpose, we aren't sure." Kakashi answered.

"Great, great, more problems we have to deal with..." Naruto said with a sigh.

"Putting that aside...did you guys happen to bring and food with you? Like ramen or other stuff?" Gojo asked suddenly with a glint of hope in his eyes. Kakashi rolled his at his friend's behavior.

" know your only supposed to eat hospital food while your here." Kakahi said with a sigh.

"Damn it." Gojo pouted as he whispered to himself. Naruto and Itadori gave small snickers at the man's childish behavior.

"Does the hospital food taste that bad?" Itadori asked.

"It's like eating dirt, man, I really wanted ramen!" Gojo whined.

"Hehehe, maybe when your out of the hospital we'll get you some ramen Gojo-sensei." Naruto said as he gave Gojo a confident smile.

"I'll hold you to that." Gojo said with a silly smile back on his face.

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