The Name's Guy

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"Yo, my name is Gojo Satoru. We talked the other day remember?" Gojo said with a smile.

"The name's Guy, and yes I remember you. But I have say your one strange dude." Guy said with a cocky smile as he pointed to Gojo.

"So are you." Kakashi said as he grumbled quietly to himself. Guy didn't seem to care or hear Kakashi's remark while Gojo gave a small snicker in response.

"Anyway, what are you both up to? Just know new guy if you do anything g fishy, I'll be the first to stop you." Guy threatened, Kakashi just gave Guy an eye roll while Gojo stood there with a smile on his face.

"Guy calm down..." Kakashi grumbled as he glared slightly at Guy.

"Say, did Kakashi show you where you'll be staying?" Guy asked completely ignoring Kakashi. Kakashi let out a sigh, while Gojo looked at them in amusement.

"That's where we are headed now, it was nice seeing you Guy but we really need to get going." Kakashi said, hoping Guy would leave them alone.

"Wait, I challenge this man here to a duel. I want to know who's stronger, your or me." Guy replied as he pointed from Gojo to himself. Kakashi let out another irritated sigh, Gojo gave Guy a shrouded smile.

"Guy you wouldn't last more then two seconds against Gojo." Kakashi grumbled.

"He's right, I'll win~." Gojo replied with his smile back on his face.

"Ya think so huh? We'll see, I say we meet up out side of the village tomorrow at dawn and  see who's stronger." Guy said with a cocky smile as he left, leaving Gojo confused and Kakashi even more annoyed.

"Sooo, he seems like an interesting dude. Why does he want to fight me?" Gojo asked as he turned to Kakashi.

"It's just what he does, he's a little different on missions but not by much. I'd say we best meet up with him other wise, I'll have to hear him complain." Kakashi answered as they started to walk again. As they walked Gojo noticed a boy with the same bowl shaped hair cut run toward them.

"Have you seem Guy sensei around? It's urgent!" The boy asked.

"He head that way, Rock Lee." Kakashi replied as he pointed behind him.

"Thank you Kakashi sensei. Oh, you must be the newcomer everyone has been talking about. Nice to meet you, I am Rock Lee." Rock Lee said as he acted flamboyantly. 'This kids' like a replica of that Guy dude.'Gojo thought as he watched the boy.

"I'm Gojo Satoru, nice to meet you." Gojo said as he introduced himself.

"And to you as well, now if you'll excuse me I must find Guy sensei!" Rock Lee said as he ran from the two.

"He's like a replica of that Guy dude." Gojo pointed out as they resumed walking.

"Yeah, Guy seems to have a high influence on the boy. I guess in a way that's how Rock Lee pushes himself to be a better ninja." Kakashi explained as they reached their destination.

"Well, here we are. This is where you'll be staying for the time being. If you need anything I'm a few blocks away." Kakashi said as he pointed to Gojo's new home. Gojo looked at the place slightly impressed. 'Looks better then what I thought it would look like.'Gojo thought as he gave the place small smile.

"Looks nice, thank you for providing me with a place to stay." Gojo said as he thanked Kakashi.

"Don't thank me, thank the Hokage. It better you'd stay here then with me." Kakashi replied, Gojo's eyes widened with a smile.

"Are you saying we could have been roommates?!" Gojo asked with his silly smile.

"Yes and thank the gods that we don't." Kakashi answered.

"Awe that's too bad, well, I guess I'll see you at dawn." Gojo said as he head for his house.

"Yup, see you then." Kakashi said with small smile as he waved good bye. As Kakashi walked to his home he couldn't help but wonder if that duel at dawn would end in disaster or not. 'Guy you really are an idiot...Gojo will crush you.' Kakashi thought with as he read his book.

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