Gojo's rescue

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As Team Kakashi push forward, they soon came across an old building that was built into a mountain side. Kakashi held out his hand to signal the others to stop.

"Is that the place?" Naruto asked with urgency in his voice. Kakashi gave him a nod as he looked back at his squad.

"So what do we do now?" Itadori replied, Kakashi glanced at Itadori with a sigh.

"First off, Naruto I want you and Captain Yamato to keep a close watch over Itadori. We can't let anything happen to him. Remember the goal is to get in, save Gojo, then get out." Kakashi said as he looked back towards the entrance.

"Understood, Itadori are you ready?" Yamato said as he looked at the salmon haired boy.

"Yeah." Itadori replied. Once everyone was ready they headed into the building with caution. As they entered the building, Kakashi motioned for them to stay silent. As they wandered the halls of the old building they heard screams and shouts sounding through halls. Kakashi's eyes widened at the sound, he looked back at the group and noticed Itadori looked angry and scared.

"We need to hurry and try to stay calm. Remember there's a man named Akuma, who's after you." Kakashi said as his pace quickened. After a few moments of searching, everyone noticed the screams and shouts has ceased. It wasn't long before they came across a hallway with old doors.

The door were wide open and hanging off their hinges. Kakashi looked in the hallway for any signs of danger. Once he decided it it was clear, everyone moved down the hall together. Everyone looked at the cells around them with disgust.

"Ugh, this place smells awful. I don't even want to think about what these cells are used for." Sakura said as he looked at the cells.

"Just try to bear through it, we should be getting close." Kakahi replied as he looked in each of the cells. Once they had come upon one of the last cells they saw Gojo laying on the ground unconscious. He had blood all over his face and body, Kakashi rushed in. He picked Gojo's shoulders up and held him so everyone could see his Friend's face.

"Gojo, Gojo! Are you there?!" Kakashi asked as he shook his friend's shoulders a little. Gojo warily opened his eyes and looked at Kakashi then to Itadori. Itadori looked at his teacher with both sadness and anger.

"W-why are you here....Itadori....Kakashi?" Gojo answered tiredly as he looked up at Kakashi.

"Why do you think? Come on we need to get you out of here." Kakashi said as he looked down at his injured friend with a slight smile.

"N-No, you need to leave me here. A-Akuma is after Itadori....your delivering him right into Akuma's hands." Gojo answered.

"Which is why we need to get you out of here quickly." Kakashi said as he put Gojo on his back.

"We need to hurry I sense a large amount of chakra coming." Yamato warned, Gojo warily looked at the man.

"Right, let's head out." Kakashi answered as he and the others ran out of the building. It was a little difficult getting out but the managed to escape. As they ran Kakashi noticed Gojo had passed out oh his back.

"I wonder what those bastards did to him." Itadori said angrily.

"Me too, but for now we can worry about that once we get back to the village." Kakahi replied. Kakahi was hoping that once Gojo was awake and well, he could give them information on this Akuma man.

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