Theres a way

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"What's your choice?" Kakashi asked.

"I'll help you, but only if you can grantee that I'll be exiled and free...those are my terms." Akuma replied with a straight face.

"Alright, we'll speak to Tsunade." Kakashi said as he and Naruto left for the Hokage's office. Gojo and Itadori stayed with Akuma to keep an eye on him.

"So are you really going to hold your end of this bargain?" Gojo grumbled.

"Yes, after what that brat said...about freedom..." Akuma said as he looked at the chains.

"If freedom meant that much to you, why try to bring back the cursed king? Why so much blood lust?" Gojo asked with a raised brow.

"My anger and powers can get out of hand when pushed. I thought Sukuna could help me and I would see my friend again but I was wrong was I not?That reason enough asshole?" Akuma sneered.

"Nope, but it seems like we have company." Gojo said as he heard foot steps coming from the hall.

"I've been informed about this deal. are aware we now wield a weapon to restrain and kill if necessary. I will exile you but you will be watched, and killed if  the need arises. Do agree with these terms?" Tsunade said with a serious expression. Akuma gave her a nod in response.

"It seems we have our way home. We should make preparations, but I'm not going to help I want to get as many souvenirs as possible before I leave." Gojo said as he walked off.

"Gojo wai-" Kakashi was cut of by the man child giving out a chuckle.

"Oh good god, I'll go talk to him. Report when your ready." Kakashi said as he went after the masked man. Kakashi searched for what seemed like forever until he saw Gojo walked to another store with a few bags in his hands.'I don't know what's worse Gojo on a shopping spree or Gojo acting like child every two seconds. Some times I wonder how I even know him.'Kakashi thought as he made dumbfounded expression.

"Oh hey, Kakashi you made just in time!" Gojo said with a silly smile. Kakashi stood there with a confused expression.

"In time for what?" Kakashi replied.

"Book shopping, I heard that book you liked was in this store so I thought that I'd get it as a souvenir." Gojo answered as he started walking into the store.

"Well if your going to get the same book you might as well know which one to get." Kakashi said with small smile as he walked in the store with Gojo. After the boys finished things up in the store, they had received word that everything was ready. It seemed like this would be the final journey the two would have.

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