The Prison

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"Man this sucks, how are we suppose to find some stupid old chains in a giant place like this?" Naruto grumbled to himself.

"Im with you on that Naruto, this place is super spooky." Itadori replied from across the room.  As they searched through the rubble and debris, Naruto gave out a sigh.

"I'm not finding anythi- eh? Ahhh!!" Naruto shouted in surprise.

"Naruto! Are you alright, what's wrong?!" Itadori replied as he ran over to the blond boy.

"Eh? Gojo what are you doing?" Itadori said with a sigh.

"Well, I finished searching my area and I got bored." Gojo said with a smile.

"You can't just scare people like that!" Naruto scolded, Gojo let out a chuckle.

"Oh good grief." Kakashi replied with a sigh as he searched his area some more.

"Hm? Guys, I think I found something." Kakshi said as he looked back at the boys. Gojo's expression turned to a slightly serious one as he and the boys walked over to Kakashi.

"What'd you find?" Gojo asked as he stood next to his friend.

"I'm not sure what it is, it looks like some kind of key that opens up a secret passage." Kakashi answered as he wiped off the dust and rubble around the indenture on the floor.

"Hey it looks like it's shaped like the book." Itadori replied as he held up the book. Kakashi eyes slightly widened, as he looked from the book to the floor.

"Itadori let me see the book." Kakashi said as he looked up at Itadori.

"Here." Itadori as he handed Kakashi the book. Once the books in a Kakashi's hands he put the book in the indentation on the floor. The book fit like a glove, once it was in Kakashi put slight pressure on the book. The temple shook slightly as a stair way opened up below them.

" if this place wasn't already creepy. Now we have to down stair...great." Naruto grumbled.

"We'll be careful but we need to figure what's down there." Kakashi said as he glanced at the stairs.

"Right behind you." Gojo answered with a thumbs up.Kakashi gave him a nod in response. As everyone walked down the old stair way, they started to see a faint light coming from the dark.

"Could there be a sky light some where?" Gojo asked as he glanced at Kakashi.

"Maybe, I'm just as clueless as you." Kakashi answered. Once they reached the bottom of the stair way everyone looked at the place in shock.

"Okay, this has to be Akuma's prison. Why else would they keep this place hidden." Itadori said as he looked at the pillars and Mummified bodies that were scattered everywhere.

"Yeah...I've got a bad feeling about this place. I feel like there was more going on here." Naruto replied.

"You could be right." Gojo said as he looked at the ancient corpses. 'This place, we all should be cautious and keep an eye on Itadori. That book upstairs could have useful information.'Gojo thought to himself. The group searched once again, hoping to get as much information as possible.

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