Are you Itadori?

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As Kakashi and his allies traveled they started to hear faint sounds of fighting in the distance. Kakashi looked at his team, they gave him nod, like they knew what he thinking. The team headed towards the source of the fighting, once they were close enough to see what was going on; they perched on separate branches.

As they looked down they noticed a boy with salmon colored hair, and with strange markings under his eyes. His clothes looked almost identical to Gojo's but with very noticeable differences. The boy was currently fighting a cursed spirit with a sigil on its forehead.

"Kakashi, what do we do?" Yamato asked.

"Let's do a surprise attack,  but remember this is a cursed spirit. If my hunch is right, that boy will deliver the finishing move." Kakashi said as he looked back at the group. The group gave him a nod then vanished to their posts. Once they were ready Kakashi gave them the signal to proceed.

"M-Must take...t-to A-Akuma.." the spirit growled as it tried to attack the boy.

As they went in for a surprise attack on the spirit, the boy looked up and gave them a very surprised look. The boy shook off the feeling and kept attacking the spirit, with the help of Kakashi and the others. The boy then proceeded to give the finishing blow to the spirit, killing it. Once that was said and done, the boy turned to Kakashi and his friends with a great full smile.

"Thanks for helping me." The boy said as he looked at the group.

"No problem, by the way what is your name?" Naruto's said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm Itadori Yuji." Itadori said with a friendly smile. Kakashi's eyes widened at the sound of the name.

"Wait, you're Itadori?!" Kakashi asked.

"Yeah, how do you know my name? Who are you?" Itadori replied with slight shock.

"I'm Kakashi, this is Naruto, that's Sakura, and last but not least is captain Yamato." Kakashi said as he pointed out everyone.

"Nice to meet you, but you still didn't answer my question. How do you know me?" Itadori asked anxiously.

"That would be because I know your teacher Gojo Satoru." Kakashi replied calmly.

"Wha-what?! You know Gojo-sensei?! He's here, where is he?!" Itadori said with urgency in his voice. Kakashi looked at Itadori with a tint of frustration and sadness in his visible eye.

"He's been captured by a rogue group of ninja called the Akatsuki." Kakashi answered. Itadori's eyes widened in response.

"How is that possible, he's the strongest. How did they capture him?!"

"It appears that the Ataksuki and some cursed spirits are working together. Why, we don't know. But I have a nagging suspicion that someone has taken leadership. Now that your here, that means your not only in danger but they also must have gotten information about you. Gojo said you are a vessel of a cursed spirit named Sukuna. That could be the reason why they are targeting you." Kakahi's explained.

"But even so, I want to save my teacher! Don't you want to save him too?!" Itadori said with some frustration.

"Of course I want to save him, but I don't think it's a wide idea to bring you with us. Another thing, the spirit said a name...Akuma. I have a feeling that might be who's giving the orders to take you and Gojo. I don't it's a good idea to risk you being captured." Kakashi said calmly.

"I'm sorry but I can't sit around doing nothing, I don't care how dangerous it is. That's my teacher, I'm going to help you save him!" Itadori protested. 'Itadori reminds me a lot of Naruto...I think it's a bad idea but we are going to need all of the help we can get.' Kakashi thought.

"Alright, you can come with but stay close. I don't want to lose you to the Alatsuki  or that Akuma guy and neither would Gojo." Kakashi replied with a sigh.

"Thank you, my world is a mess...with Gojo's harder to take down higher cursed targets. The school had to take some measures to keep the students safe. It seemed that as soon as Gojo was gone we were under attack constantly." Itadori said with frustration. Naruto gave the boy a sad look, it was obvious that Itadori cared deeply for his friends.

"Don't worry Itadori, we'll save your sensei, I promise!" Naruto said as he put a comforting hand on Itadori's shoulder. Itadori gave him a smile in response while Kakashi was thinking about the hard road ahead.

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