There's always a choice

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"Man, I didn't expect that from a guy like him." Naruto said as he looked at his ramen.

"Yeah, not sure what to make from that." Kakashi said in agreement.

"Is there way to convince him that he could help with out getting hurt?" Naruto asked.

"Possibly, but he needs to give us the information we want first." Kakashi replied as he glanced at Naruto.

"I'm just thankful that Sukuna hasn't tried to talk Akuma or even worse try to take over my body again." Itadori said as he took a bite from his ramen.

"I understand that completely, I feel the same about the nine tails at times." Naruto replied. The group ate quietly for a while before returning to the cells. As they walked back to Akuma they noticed that the half spirit seemed to be distant and uneasy. As if he was afraid of bad things coming. Gojo kneeled in front of Akuma with a serious expression.

"You alive?" Gojo asked as he poked Akuma's forehead.

"Go to hell." Akuma snarled as he looked up at the group, Gojo stood up with small smirk on his face.

"So have you decided to cooperate?" Naruto asked.

"Tch, do I have a choice? With holding information only leads to ruin and death." Akuma sneered at the boy.

"So how do we get home?" Itadori replied with a raised brow.

"Tch, I could send you back myself or give my life in a ritual to make a loyal for you. Not much of a choice for either of us." Akuma growled.

"There's always a choice, what matters is if your willing to help." Naruto said as he took a step forward. The others looked at him in slight shock by the boy's kindness and words. 'Is he crazy?!' Kakashi and Gojo thought to themselves.

"Why would I help you? More importantly, why even ask me what I want?" Akuma replied with confusion.

"Well, since you've been tortured your whole life, I thought that maybe if you helped us, you might find some peace." Naruto said as he crossed his arms.

"What would become of me? An execution? More imprisonment?"

"Well, that could come to pass but you could get exiled and live your life free of fear and pain."

"Your kind for a brat...give me one good reason why I should lift a finger for you all."

"The reason is up to you." Naruto said as he walked to his friends. Akuma sat there in silence, thinking.'A choice...'Akuma thought to himself as he looked up at the group before him.

"Have you made up your mind?" Kakashi asked, Akuma gave a slight nod.

"What's your answer?"

(Apologizes for the short chapter)

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