There's cursed spirits amoung us

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"Gojo what was that thing? Was it one of those cursed spirits things?" Naruto asked with some concern.

"Unfortunately yes, something tells me that there more going on then what we are seeing."  Gojo with some seriousness.

"Agreed,  we also need you to give us details on these spirits; but for now I think we should call it a day." Kakashi said with a sigh as he put away his kunai.

"That's a good idea, I'll report this to the Hokage. I will be sure to tell what her response is." Yamato said as he vanished.

"Ooh, I didn't know you guys could disappear either~!" Gojo said with a silly smile. Kakashi gave him a small eye roll, while Naruto just gave him a proud smirk.

"Yup, we are ninja after all." Naruto said with a laugh.

"Let's head back to the village, Naruto we'll drop you off at your home then I'll show Gojo where he is staying." Kakashi said as he looked from Gojo to Naruto. Both gave Kakashi a nod, then followed him to the village. Gojo looked around the village with a hint of irritation. 'Tch, there a cursed spirit following us. Probably spying my movements to get information, ah what a pain.' Gojo thought with a sigh.

"Hey stop for a second." Gojo asked as he stopped in his tracks.

"What's wrong?" Naruto replied as he looked at Gojo with a confused expression.

"Do you sense a cursed spirit thing or something?" Kakashi asked seeming like he read Gojo's mind.

"Yeeaah, what a pain. Oi! Cursed spirit come on out! This game is kinda getting boring." Gojo said with a groan. The cursed spirit came out as if it was on cue, the spirit looked at Gojo with a evil smile.

"Hehehe." The spirit chuckled.

"Why do you keep following us? Are you jealous that I have friends~? It is it that you are just doing as your told like a slave to its master?" Gojo smirked.The spirit seemed to get angry at Gojo's words, Kakashi and Naruto watched the scene before them with confusion on their faces.

"M-Master.....I-I have.....Ehehehe." The spirit laughed as it charged to Gojo. Gojo looked at the spirit with a bored expression as he killed it.

"Man those things are annoying. Welp, let's go and drop Naruto off at his house." Gojo said with a smile back on his face. 'What was that about? Something else is going on. Gojo, who is trying to kill you?'Kakashi thought as he walked along side the two boys.Once they reached Naruto's house they said their goodbyes and left.  Once Kakashi and Gojo were alone, they had their own conversation.

"Kakashi, there's a chance these spirits will keep coming after me." Gojo said with a small frown.

"Kinda expected that one, do you know why they are trying to kill you?" Kakashi asked as he looked at Gojo.

"Well it could be one or two reasons. One being that I killed a friend of theirs or two being the most likely scenario  which is that they are trying to kill me because I am the strongest. Honestly some times it hard for me to decide which one it is." Gojo answered.

"Hmm, look, I may have an idea about how to find out who it is. But we gather a few ninja for this specific plan." Kakashi replied.

"I'm listening, looks like I'll get a chance to make more friends too~."Gojo said with silly smile.

"Pfft-if you say so, it might take a while for the others to warm up to you. But I think you have more then proven your self to be an ally of the leaf." Kakashi said with a smile.

"Ah, hey, wasn't there a man I saw earlier with weird black hair?" Gojo asked as he suddenly thought of a random dude.

"Uh, what kind of hair?" Kakashi asked with confusion.

"Well his hair was shaped like a bowl or something an he had huge eyes rows too." Gojo answered, Kakashi looked at Gojo with a sigh. Regretting the fact that Kakashi knew who a Gojo was talking about.

"That would be a man named Guy. Wait, when did you meet him?" Kakashi replied with a raised brow.

"When we were eating ramen with Naruto."

"When did you have time to do that?!"

"When you, Yamato, and Naruto where talking amongst yourselves. I got bored so I decided to say hi, he said you two were good friends."

"That's putting it a little lightly..." Kakashi said with a groan.

"How come? Are you row not fri-" Gojo was cut off but Guy popping up out of no where.

"Heeey Kakashi!"Guy said as he slapped Kakahi's shoulder  in a playful manner. Kakashi winced from the sudden pain then slightly glared at Guy who was laughing with a proud smile.

"Oh, hey your that dude from the other day." Guy said as he pointed at Gojo who gave the man a childish smile.

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