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"I can't believe that we sided with the Akatsuki of all people! Man...I hope Grandma Tsunade knows what she's doing." Naruto said with a big sigh.

"I'm sure she does but that means we'll have to be more cautious when they are around." Kakashi said calmly. Gojo gave an annoyed sigh, while Itadori talked with the group.

"Something on your mind?" Kakashi asked as he looked at Gojo.

"Ah, I just don't like this whole truce thing with those Akatsuki dudes." Gojo grumbled as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, I understand." Kakashi replied.

"Aluma must be really strong if those Akatsuki guys need help." Itadori said as he stretched his arms.

"Oh he is." Sukuna interjected as he appeared on Itadori's cheek.

"Oh great it's you, what the hell do you want?" Itadori growled softly.

"Oh shut it brat!" Sukuna sneered.

"Wait, you know this half spirit Sukuna. Spill the beans! What do you know about him?!" Itadori growled at Sukuna.

"Why should I tell you? Your a brat and an annoying one at that!" Sukuna snarled.

"Oh? I thought you'd be over joyed to tell us how screwed we are." Itadori argued.

"Tch, stupid brat. Akuma conquered nations and demons a like. He was my friend and allie he helped me put down many sorcerers. His blood lust was Immense, if a demon looked at him wrong or questioned his orders he killed them. Akuma's powers grow as time passed by since he was banished here by old sorcerers, his urge for revenge is centuries worth of waiting." Sukuna begrudgingly answered.

"The older sorcerers banished him here?!" Itadori replied with a shocked look on his face.

"Yup, you poor sods are dead." Sukuna said as he disappeared.

"Tch, man I hate that guy." Naruto said as he put his hand on his hips.

"You and me both." Itadori said with a sigh.

"At least Sukuna gave us some useful information. We know more then we did." Kakashi said calmly.

"But we still don't know anything about his powers, only his strength."  Naruto interjected.

"Gojo, anything you want to add? You've been quiet longer then you normally are." Kakashi asked as he looked at his friend.

"Nope, but I will say this. If we want to beat him then those Akatsuki are gonna have to give us every scrap of information on Akuma that they can find." Gojo said as he started walking ahead of the group.

'Hmm, he's think about something and he's not telling the whole truth. Gojo what is going on inside your head?'Kakshi thought as he walked beside his friend. Naruto and Itadori went to Naruto house for more food and for a friendly chat.

"Gojo, what's bothering you?" Kakashi said bluntly. Gojo looked at his friend with surprise.

"Something doesn't sit right with me. Why would Sukuna give that information? I mean I know he hates our guts but I feel like there's something more going on here." Gojo explained.

"Your not wrong, I have a hunch that Sukuna wants to see Akuma put down.  As much as I hate the idea, the Akatsuki are our only hope to get the information on Aluma's powers." Kakashi replied.

"Yeah, whelp that's enough doom and gloom. I want to get a copy of that book your reading as a souvenir from this place!" Gojo said as his silly smile quickly appeared back on his face. Kakashi's eyes widened slightly at his silly friend.

"Uh...sure, at least your not asking for more ramen." Kakashi replied.

"Can we get more of that too?" Gojo asked with hope in his words. Kakshi gave out a sigh, then looked at his friend.

"Shouldn't have said anything. Fine, we'll get more ramen." Kakshi answered.

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