Bad idea considered good

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"What?! After all of this you want to take him prisoner?!" Naruto snarled.

"Do have any better ideas? How is your friend going to get home? Your best option would be to take him back to the Leaf and get more answers." Itachi replied calmly.

"But if we take home back there he could break lose an destroy everything!" Naruto argued.

"True, but what other option do you have?" Pain interjected.

"Um, the second option! This is a super bad idea, nothing good will come of this!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Well, what do you two think? If you kill him, you might be stuck here forever. If you interrogated him it would prove more useful." Itachi said ignoring Naruto's comment entirely.

"Hey are you even listening?" Naruto shouted.

"Kakashi, it's your call." Gojo said as he turned to his friend.

"We'll take him back but I'm putting you guys on guard duty over him. If this back fires your not gonna like the results of the after math." Kakashi replied. The Akatsuki gave him a nod and dragged Akuma back to Camp while Itadori walked up to his teacher.

"Okay, now I see why that jackass is so dangerous. Itadori said as rubbed his neck.

"You alright?" Gojo asked a he put a hand on his student's shoulder.

"Yeah just sore." Itadori replied, Gojo gave him a nod in response. It didn't take long for the group to return to the village, once they were in the village they headed straight to the dungeons.

"Wait, wait so they put that thing here?!" Itsodud exclaimed.

"Yeah..." Gojo said as he trailed off. As they reached Akuma's cell, they saw that he was awake. He look up at them with a glare.

"You all must be really desperate to get back to your home." Akuma snarled.

"No shit." Itadori growled softly. Akuma's gaze lingered on Itadori then looked at Gojo.

"Look, just give us the information we want to know then we can be done with this." Kakashi said calmly.

"Eat shit and die." Akuma sneered.

"Yes, f^ck you." Gojo grumbled, Kakahi put a hand on his friend's shoulder telling him to calm down. The half spirit said nothing as he looked back at the ground.

"Don't feel like talking? Strange weren't you just boasting earlier about how you were gonna kill us?" Gojo said as he looked at the Half spirit. Akuma looked up and glared at the the boys before him.

"Oh? Is it because the position Your in brings back memories?" Gojo smirked, Akuma  gritted his teeth.

"Gojo, I think it would be wise for you to stop pushing." Kakashi warned.

"Why it's not like he cared about mine when I was captured and tortured by him.  But hey looks like you were given the same treatment long before I came  here, must have been real hard for you." Gojo said as he took a step forward.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! What do you know about any of it?! Huh?! Nothing! You weren't tortured for years, you didn't have your bones broken and mended back together just to be broken again! You didn't get whipped or wacked with chains because someone enjoyed watching you suffer! You didn't have your powers taken away because some one wanted to use them to conquer nations! You didn't get banished here for endless torture, you didn't lose a loved one because of what you were! You know nothing about what I have suffered!" Akuma shouted as he looked at the ground with anger and the fear of memories replaying in his head.

For a while everyone stood there speechless, Naruto for some reason felt some pity for the half spirit. Kakashi and Gojo were still processing what what just said, while Itadori felt the same as Naruto on the matter.

"Did they really... do that to you?" Naruto asked. Akuma stayed silent for a while then replied.


"I'm sorry that must have been hard." Naruto's said as he left the dungeons with Itadori following.

"We'll speak later." Kakashi said as he and Gojo left to get some ramen. Akuma hung his head low as he looked at the ground with rage and fear of time repeating itself.

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