Deep trouble pt2

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"Itadori!" Gojo shouted as he looked at his student.

"Naruto!" Kakashi shouted with concern, as Naruto laid unconscious.

"It seems that I've won....again. A pity really, I was enjoying our little battle." Akuma smirked. However the Half spirit was caught off guard by Naruto standing up and his crimson red eyes that were filed with rage and anger.

"Hm? So that's your little secret, everyone's so worked up about. The power of the nine tails, I have to admit I am impressed." Akuma said as he looked at the boy with a wicked smile.

"Let him go!" Naruto snarled as he glared at Akuma. Aluma raised a brow at the boy, then frowned.

"Naruto calm down!" Kakashi replied as he looked at the enraged boy. Naruto didn't listen, instead he went to attack Akuma face on.

"I get it, when you get very angry about something you lose control over the nine tail's chakra." Akuma said to himself as he observed Naruto's behavior.

"Let Itadori go now!!" Naruto shouted, Akuma stared at the boy unfazed by the threat. Gojo appeared beside Akuma with a jujustu technique ready to be used. Akuma looked to his left side with a small smirk.

"It appears I may have pissed you all off. Tch, humans get angered so easily. It's actually enjoyable to watch." Akuma said as he looked from Gojo to Naruto.

"Are you going to keep talking or what?!" Naruto growled as he and Gojo charged at Akuma. Akuma dodged both with ease as he held Itadori by the back of his neck. Akuma jumped on a pillar, and glared down at the boys below him. His silver eyes glowed with annoyance. Gojo's limitless ability had started to fail again as Akuma was angered.

"How do you keep breaking my limitless ability? Answer me!" Gojo snarled as he glared at Akuma.

"I had faced that skill long before I was banished to this hell. My ability lets me counter it, my ability is call Serrated Blade." Akuma answered as he shot a lighting blast from his hand.

Kakashi appeared behind Akuma with a chidori ready, Akuma blocked it then kicked Kakashi away. Gojo and Naruto charged at Akuma from different sides, each with their own ability ready to be used. Naruto's  Rasengan was thrown from his hand while Gojo used a smaller version of his hallow ability.
Akuma threw Naruto's rasengan back to him then canceled out Gojo's hallow ability.

"Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" Gojo shouted in frustration. Akuma went in for another attack but was cut off by one of the Akatsuki kicking him in the back.Akuma dropped Itadori and landed on the ground harshly. He then stood up with his silver eyes glaring at the Akatsuki in anger. Itachi and Pain went after Akuma while some of the  others helped Itadori escape. Akuma was surrounded and angered, the Akatsuki, Gojo, Naruto, and Kakashi worked together to tire Akuma out.

Itachi appeared between Kakshi and Gojo with some thing in his hands. Gojo looked at the man's hands with a smirk.

"Ya found the chains huh?" Gojo said as looked back at Akuma.

"Yes, we where able to find them upstairs in under a few pillars." Itachi answered.

"Alright, what do we do now?" Kakashi reluctantly asked.

"Distract him a while longer, I will get a couple of my companions to help with the next part." Itachi said as he vanished.

"Oh yes, that was very helpful." Kakashi said sarcastically as he and Gojo did as they were told. Akuma continued to block and and strike at people while Itachi carried out with his plan. As Akuma went to go blast Kakashi away with his cursed ability, Itachi and two of his companions managed to chain Akuma, which in turn made the Half spirit fall unconscious. For a while everyone froze, it seemed to be over finally.

"So now what?" Gojo said as he looked at the Half spirit in disgust. Itachi and Pain fixed the chains to where they were around Akuma's neck and wrists.

"Well, we have two options." Itachi replied.

"And what would those options be?" Naruto asked as he calmed down quite a bit.

"One, we talk him to the Leaf's dungeons to be interrogated and guarded. Two, we kill him here and now." Itachi bluntly said in response as he looked at Akuma.

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